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Thread: Windows Feedback, Whats your say?

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    Mr GRiM is offline

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    Windows Feedback, Whats your say?

    OK so I just got an email from MS today asking for feedback so this is my feedback MS, hope they listen.

    I feel that your not listening to what people want from an OS and need to focus on individual needs and circumstances, no more all in one.

    There should be a tailored Work OS that is light on resources without any of the modern app nonsense that is not needed in a work environment and would only be seen as a distraction from getting real work done and it should work with very low hardware specs.

    General personal computer OS to be used with a general PC without the need for discrete graphics, still very light on resources with some mild customizing options, keep the Modern Apps and start Screen, they were a good idea and work well with touch enabled all in one PC's but still make a desktop start menu optional.

    Gaming OS with fully featured DWM functions, including Aero Glass and a fully customizable themeing capability without the need for 3rd party patching tools, customizable icons, logon screen and more, you have a huge base of PC gamers out there who have spent thousands building their rigs and are stuck with a bland uninspired desktop experience, again Modern apps and start screen have their place but make it more optional, options are the key to success, the more options you give to the end user to Taylor their own experience the better, no one like to have things forced on them.

    Mobile Device OS that is fully compatible with the desktop OS but without the traditional desktop itself, tiled apps are OK but folders and groups work better, take some tips from the success of others and then make it your own, Apple and Android are doing well for a reason, study them and master that domain.

    The new Windows 10 preview is not the way forward, it is still trying to be all in one but a master of none, the desktop should remain the desktop a place where desktop only programs are launched, the new start menu is horrible and cluttered, the all programs is even worse for finding your programs and makes you scroll through all your modern apps before coming to your desktop apps, this still puts modern apps first over the tradition desktop and is not what people want, we do like the modern apps but we do not want to feel like they are being forced on us, they have a time and a place and that was on the start screen.

    I also do not like having modern apps forced to be on the desktop in windowed mode, even traditional desktop programs and windows can be made full screen by pressing F11 and this is currently not possible, the snap feature is also annoying and it should be made optional to use classic aero snap which I found much better, I do not always want to snap 1 or more other windows to the other side of the screen.

    I also do not like the grouping with Home now, it is a cluttered mess and totally redundant, The fist screen you should be met with on explorer is the root directory, Computer (My PC) or with the Library, again options are better and the more the better.

    Well these are just what I can think of off the top of my head, there are many other things I could add but wont right now.
    Let us know what feedback you have given and what you think MS should change with it's next OS

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  2. #2
    ONE MAN ARMY is offline
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    Well put Grim. I hope they listen, although I doubt they will. I feel they want to force the Metro UI and all its features on us and there not going to stop. I have the feeling like were going to continue to need 3rd party programs to keep our desktop, Desktops! Still it is what it is. I am enjoying win 8.1.1 right now and if the final build of 10 is no improvements, I will stick with 8.

  3. #3
    2635599 is offline

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    GRiM OMA is right very well put.

  4. #4
    crowfish is offline
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    When I first saw what was Win 9, I thought the lack of imagination was currently being shown as was with 8>8.1, and then all of sudden it was re labeled as Windows 10 and felt a gnawing at my gut about it as it smelled that they needed to do a fast change to a new number for no real reason but to just round it off.
    Because the reality is they just should call it win 9.1, if the same level of consistency is observed from Microcock as was done to win 8.1 with their fubar fixing of the start menu.

    I waited 25 days for even a notice to be given to me which never arrived, so i cancelled the upgrade and then noticed the widget still on the task bar,, and thought that was odd,, why wasn't it gone,,had to do a hunt to see why it was still there and was told I had to remove the KB30355*** update and that would fix it,, nope it wouldn't go, kept getting a error of it not being able to be removed,,**** **** triple ****,, did a roll back,, no good,,tried to do a reinstall from the shadow copy on my hard drive,, wouldn't even start and then my machine started acting up, and just not working properly, after a week and a half talking the laptop manufacturer with no help,, did a whole new install from scratch and did all the insecurity updates like Mcrocock insist are really truly needed so as to operate at full functionality,, **** **** triple ****,, the GWX widget/app was back on the task bar, now i have my machine set to not except insecurity updates at all, and my machine works just fine without them,, sooo they might just be lying about needing them at all and that they updates are more than likely adding keyword searches to everyone's machines and doing **** all else.

    Well it seems that Microcock have a new way they want everyone to have their OS,, even if your opting out, the insecurity updates are going to install the OS as a shadow copy and will sit there until people say Ziek hail to wanting it, and that now apparently the windows 7,8 OS's insecurity updates install NSA spyware so as to collect data to know when boys and girls have been naughty or nice,,who the **** made them Santa clause and I don't think they will be giving presents out,, even torrent sites are disclaiming they will not except people who use windows 10.

    And that the European union may withdraw their safe harbor ruling over data collection from companies like face book a known NSA data collector subcontractor, as will possible be directed at companies like Microcock as well, that blatantly state they collect data and even dismiss their own countries privacy acts and laws about peoples ownership of their property and invasion of that property and data theft, and the criminality of the fact they do so cart blanch with government approval, that gives Mocrocock illegally the means to create laws against everyone on the face of the planet via a TOS,, not the terms of service from Microcock but terms of service from the general public, no company should have veto over any countries laws,, I hope the people who instigated the spy ware,, even that little rat faced Dustin Hoffman looking guy gets royally reamed up the bung hole with a hot poker.
    Addicted to coffee, but not enough to suck it out of a carpet spill.

  5. #5
    mm8844 is offline
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    I must say, I'd have to agree. I'm not as tech savvy as you guys, but I'll do my best.
    From first glance, I thought Win10 was just a step up to improve some of the features in Win8 that users might not have been too happy about.
    I stayed with Se7en.
    But now, as I began to monitor resources (more regularly) I've noticed most of the stuff you guys are talking about & continue to learn more as I read.
    Like I said, I'm no computer buff, but I do like to keep my system light weight. This computer's a few years old, but it's pretty much up to speed with the everyday computing to suit my needs at the moment. A little web browsing, photo & video editing, some hidden object games (HD Graphics), and customization for that great look & feel (Thank you). Maybe do a rebuild soon. I'll see.
    But for now, I'd have to say that I'm not as pleased with 10 as I'd originally thought I'd be.
    In fact, disappointed. Let me say this for the record. When I say editing, I mean to say very minimal.
    A snip here, a healing brush there. I can't remember the last time I used a plug in. Honestly.
    Last edited by mm8844; October 25th, 2015 at 02:19 AM.

  6. #6
    razor07 is offline
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    Totally Concur, you hit the nail on the head.

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