Well ain't this a peach huh...

After so many people begging Microsoft for a dark theme for skype since they took it over they finally delivered... that is except to most of us the ones who were asking for it

So Microsoft puts out their new update of skype for Linux with a new dark theme as you can see by this article here:


oh ya and they put out the new web only version of skype with a dark theme also as in this article here:


Well how nice huh... except....................................... They totally ignore the biggest user base of skype that has been asking for a dark theme since they took the dam thing over and removed the ability to theme it for no dam reason

I have gotten past barking at MS for things cause it is a waste of time, but I have to say dam you MS this really pisses me off you give the dark theme we have begged you for to everyone except the userbase that was asking most for it in the desktop client fook you Microsoft fook you