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Thread: Need help with something please

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    Nimbi is offline

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    Need help with something please


    so i'm trying to get this image to work as a glass reflection image, but to no avail. it flashes in place once and then just disappears. Anyone know how to make it work?

    I'm trying to use it with the consolidated dark theme of which I'm setting up my won personal mod of [not much of a mod tbh just swapped the bg and modded a wmploc.dll for use with it, .] if anyone can make a working aeroglass glass reflection image out of this, I would be very grateful


    Actually, nvm. I just realized this will probably go weird with wmplayer since its't eh same image i used in wmploc.dll for the library background lmfao. Ignore this request plz, .
    Last edited by Nimbi; January 5th, 2019 at 09:55 PM.

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