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Thread: Welp... That happened, lol...

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    Nimbi is offline

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    Welp... That happened, lol...

    Sooo, just so you all know... I'm back on Windows 7, . And not because of my own preference, but because my mom can't stand Windows 10 .

    For those of you wondering what my mom has to do with the decision to swap back, I'm using my comp as a shared computer since her computer is out of commission. She needed a way to handle a lot of her pdf files as well as organize all of her documents and her iPhone simply doesn't cut the cake so to speak. So I gave her an account on my PC to help her out since she was so generous as to let me replace my missing power cord with the one from her PC since he WiFi card has gone to junkertown, .

    But point being, her printer was NOT in any way compatible with Windows 10, and she REALLY hated Windows 10 in general. So, now I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate SP1. I WILL however attempt to boot Windows 10 into a VM to keep customizing it since it is more or less what I'm accustomed to, .

    But for now, this is what I'm on, .

    In all honesty, I wouldv'e dual boeted it if I could just figure out the commands on this bs Gygabite mobo.... SOOOOO not use to this mobo yet, .
    Last edited by Nimbi; August 24th, 2018 at 12:06 AM.

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