View Full Version : Updates & Style Hacks For WSB

  1. Windows Style Builder 1.6 Ideas List - Any suggestions?
  2. PNG to Alhpa Bitmap converter
  3. Custom Class Maps for WSB
  4. Custom Class Maps and Class Groups for Windows 10
  5. Windows 10 TH2 November Update Class maps and Class Groups for WSB
  6. Custom Class Maps and Import Scripts for Windows 10 TH2 & RS1
  7. Windows 10 RS1 SiB Start Menu & Taskbar Style Script and Hack
  8. Custom Class maps & import scripts for Windows 10 RS1+ Version 1607 - 1703
  9. Windows 10 1809 WSB update and Dark Mode Style Script
  10. Windows 10 1903 WSB CLASSMAP update and Light Mode Style Script, shellstyle included
  11. Classmap help you edit the control panel images
  12. Windows 10 RS6 1903 Updated Class Maps and Import script for Light Mode
  13. Ηow can I modify the exlorerframe.dll.mun?
  14. Windows 10 19H1 1903 Updated ClassMaps and Import Scripts
  15. Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 TH2 import to Windows 10 19H1 1903
  16. Update
  17. Windows 11 Theme importing help
  18. Windows 11 22H2 Updated ClassMaps and Import Scripts
  19. Deafult Windows 11 Theme with Windows 7 Start Menu and Taskbar
  20. Windows 7 import to Windows 11 22H2
  21. Update WSB