View Full Version : Placing a person inside a picture Photoshop Tutorial

September 8th, 2009, 08:51 AM
To start with you will need 2 pictures.

I chose a picture of a hot rod and a person.

http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto002.jpg (http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto002.jpg)http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto001.jpg (http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto001.jpg)

Using the pen tool draw a loose path around the window.

http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto004.jpg (http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto004.jpg)

Now switch to the "add anchor point" path tool
Drag the anchor points into place.
To add a curve: Click once on the midway point between 2 anchor points, release the mouse button, then click and drag, you will notice you are now creating a curve. That is the biggest secret to the path tool. A bit of practice and it will be a breeze.

http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto005.jpg (http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto005.jpg)

Once you have created the path, go to the paths palette and click, save path.

Now we want to load the path as a selection.
To do this just ctrl/cmd+click on the paths thumbnail

http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto008.gif (http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto008.gif)http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto007.gif (http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto007.gif)

You now will have a selection around the area we are going to position the person.

http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto009.jpg (http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto009.jpg)

Select the person in the 2nd image and choose "copy"

http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto010.jpg (http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto010.jpg)

Select the hotrod image again and choose edit>paste into

You will notice a new layer is created with a layer mask around the window.

http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto011.gif (http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto011.gif)http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto012.jpg (http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto012.jpg)

Press Ctrl/Cmd+T for free transform and scale and position your person to fit inside the window.

http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto014.jpg (http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto014.jpg)

There all nicely positioned and sized in the window.

The only problem now is that it looks a bit fake because the window has a highlight and the person is opaque.

http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto015.jpg (http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto015.jpg)

Lets create a highlight for the window. Load the path of the window shape
create a new layer
Fill with white

http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto018.jpg (http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto018.jpg)http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto017.gif (http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto017.gif)

Now switch to screen mode and lower the opacity to 29%

http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto019.gif (http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto019.gif)

There all done. Wanna take a ride?

Don't limit this techniques for people and windows, use it for all kinds of photo foolery and collaging.

http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto020.jpg (http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/paste_into/pinto020.jpg)

You can find more tutorials like this @ Photoshopcafe (http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials)

September 17th, 2011, 08:26 PM
Thank you MARK,good post.: Tu: