View Full Version : Make your own Military Camo Pattern

September 24th, 2009, 08:21 AM
This tutorial will show you how to make a your own Military Camo pattern. Your final result will be this image:


First of all, create a new layer, 250*250 is what we used here but the size is up to you. Making it smaller or bigger makes no difference.


Set your first Colour to #777676 (gray) and se secondary to #FFFFFF (white) and go to Filter >> Render >> Clouds. Apply clouds once as on example below.


Then go to Filter >> Artistic >> Sponge ... and set the following brush size, definition and smoothness to the sponge effect.


Now it's time to paint this surface in green. In order to do so, press Ctrl + U, check the "colorize" box and drag the arrow to the green range of hues. We set it to 100/15/-35 but feel free to play around a bit with the colour, as long as you keep the right greenish colour.


After clicking "OK", go to Image >> Adjustments>> Brightness / Contrast. Reduce brightness to -20 and add contrast to +35. This will make the surface a lot less dull.


Duplicate the layer. Select the upper layer and go to Filter >> Blur >> Gaussian Blur. Set the radius to 2.7 pixels, and do not overdo the blur effect as too much of it will simply result in loss of blurry effect, it won't be seen anymore.


After clicking ok, go to the layers panel and set the opacity of the blurred layer to 30%.


While this layer is still selected, go to Filter >> Artistic >> Crosshatch and set these settings for the blurred layer.


Afterwards, repeat the same procedure ( Filter >> Artistic >> Crosshatch ) with the background layer, however you may want to choose a different sharpness, to maintain the natural clothes effect.

So far your canvas should look like this:


If you don't want to stop here and want to create a full imitation of clothes canvas, go to Filter >> Texture >> Texturazer and apply these settings for the clothes canvas effect.



That is it, now you are a solder!