View Full Version : CS4 Help Pleeeeeease! :)

October 22nd, 2009, 05:13 PM
Ok, so i'm making a magnifying glass icon in PS CS4. I used the Ellipse Tool (U) to draw 3 circles. I've done what i needed to do with the 3 circles, i rasterized them but i can't burn or dodge them. Taking a look at the screenie may shed a little more light on the problem. I'll upload the PSD too, just incase someone is kind enough to take a look ;)
Any help appreciated. thanks guys :)

October 22nd, 2009, 07:41 PM
Ok, so i'm making a magnifying glass icon in PS CS4. I used the Ellipse Tool (U) to draw 3 circles. I've done what i needed to do with the 3 circles, i rasterized them but i can't burn or dodge them. Taking a look at the screenie may shed a little more light on the problem. I'll upload the PSD too, just incase someone is kind enough to take a look ;)
Any help appreciated. thanks guys :)

Not sure what the result was meant to be with using those options but I did a bit on it anyway for a bit of fun.


October 22nd, 2009, 07:46 PM
LOL! looks better than mine all ready!
My problem is, is that i can't seem to burn or dodge the outer rim layer.

October 26th, 2009, 06:14 AM
I'm a bit late but here.
What I did was, I made a duplicate of the 'Shape 1' Layer. Converted it into a smart object then rasterized it. Then used the burn tool.

I hope thats what you wanted.


October 26th, 2009, 03:32 PM
Aha! So it needed converting into a smart object and then rasterizing before it could be burned? Thanks DNG :cool:

October 26th, 2009, 10:25 PM
Heh, no problem. :)