View Full Version : walkthrough

November 11th, 2009, 09:54 PM
hi anyone got a walkthrough on how i can replace the internet explorer icons using restorator,im a bit of a noob at this,so go easy on me,lol,ive managed to do the theme, orb ect,but cant find instructions to change IE icons
regards and thanks in advance

November 11th, 2009, 11:48 PM
hi anyone got a walkthrough on how i can replace the internet explorer icons using restorator,im a bit of a noob at this,so go easy on me,lol,ive managed to do the theme, orb ect,but cant find instructions to change IE icons
regards and thanks in advance

The easiest way is to add the icon to the that programs directory and then just create a new shortcut and then right click on it and select change icon, then select the location of your custom icon and then unpin the old shortcut from the taskbar and then pin the new one.

November 12th, 2009, 08:28 PM
If u wanna try the other way , go to the Internet Explorer folder in programme files and edit the icons in the iexplore.exe.
Mr Grimm did the red 1 for me a while ago and ive tried some of my own since.