View Full Version : Startup Orb

November 22nd, 2009, 05:44 AM
Anyone know if it's possible to get the startup orb from windows vista onto windows 7? By the startup orb I mean the orb that pops up before you log in.

November 22nd, 2009, 08:23 AM
Anyone know if it's possible to get the startup orb from windows vista onto windows 7? By the startup orb I mean the orb that pops up before you log in.

Hi Psych0t1c, I noticed you have been pretty active on the site so I added you to the team. :)

I'm sure I saw a discussion about that on Seven Forums a while ago but I don't think anyone managed to do it, that doesn't mean that someone hasn't done it now though but I have no idea what needs to be done.

November 22nd, 2009, 09:54 AM
Well i remember searching for this a few months ago or even just the directory of the animation assuming that it is a tiny .avi
and just to be sure we are talking about this screen,


I just spent the last 45mins having a search but once again i just got frustrated and i officially give up lol Every single google road for me leads to the same
destination which being The Logon Screen and as we know this is very easy to find.

So here is an example of where all of my searches lead to Change Boot Logo? (http://www.sevenforums.com/customization/11930-change-boot-logo-screen.html)

I'm sure once it has been located it will be easy to do but it's just the matter of finding it. :sorry:

November 22nd, 2009, 06:05 PM
Anyone know if it's possible to get the startup orb from windows vista onto windows 7? By the startup orb I mean the orb that pops up before you log in.

Hi Psych0t1c, I noticed you have been pretty active on the site so I added you to the team. :)

I'm sure I saw a discussion about that on Seven Forums a while ago but I don't think anyone managed to do it, that doesn't mean that someone hasn't done it now though but I have no idea what needs to be done.

Oh wow, thanks Grim. Much appreciated.

And I went on askvg.com and it's called [link=Pearl Animation:26cmd3gu]http://www.askvg.com/how-to-remove-windows-vista-startup-orb-animation-aka-pearl-animation/[/link:26cmd3gu]

November 23rd, 2009, 10:56 AM
Hello here more info for Bootanimation: http://www.withinwindows.com/2008/12/05/windows-7-to-be-first-windows-to-report-real-boot-progress/


help google this: "bootres.dll" or "wim file" or "activity.bmp" !!!

I want to have also another boot animation !!! ;)

TIP: extract (Restorator 2007) RCdata file as *.BIN file rename this to xxx.wim and search google for "wim player" this tip is from here: http://www.windows-7-forum.net/windows-7-tweaks-tuning/1212-bootscreen-aendern-2.html !!!