View Full Version : matter with glass blue icons

November 25th, 2009, 09:27 PM
hey all,

After i installed the theme, start buttons and blue taskmgr, i tried to install glass blue icons. I did all things said on the readme.txt, i restarted my computer, and nothing happened, nothing was changed, all the icons are the same.

So i need youre help to get install icons.

Thanks to all

November 25th, 2009, 09:37 PM
Hi 9-THUG and welcome to virtual customs,

I would give this a go first How to Clear IconCache (http://virtualcustoms.net/pages-win_icon_cache.php), and did you "change user account settings" ?

And what windows 7 are you running? x64, x86?

let us know and we should be able to help.

November 26th, 2009, 02:51 PM

First thank you for help.

Yes i changed user account settings, i'am on windows 7600 x64, i did all things said on the readme but nothing happens.

For clearing icons cash, i have to do it before trying to install the icons or ??

Thanks all

November 26th, 2009, 09:33 PM

First thank you for help.

Yes i changed user account settings, i'am on windows 7600 x64, i did all things said on the readme but nothing happens.

For clearing icons cash, i have to do it before trying to install the icons or ??

Thanks all


You clear the IconCache after you install the icon's.

Here is another way to install the icons if the script is not working for you,

Another way to install the icons is download the icon pack you want with the installer and the System32 & SysWOW64 .dll's located in the Data folder of the pack now all I do is TakeOwnership (http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/add-take-ownership-to-explorer-right-click-menu-in-vista/) of the entire "C:\Windows" folder (It can take a while), Once done Navigate to "C:\Windows\System32" & the "SysWOW64" folder for x64 bit user's and locate the .dll's we need to replace i.e "imageres.dll,imagesp1.dll,Shell32.dll,zipfldr.dll" and rename them to "imageres.dll.BAK,imagesp1.dll.BAK,Shell32.dll.BAK,zipfldr.dll.BAK" in BOTH "C:\Windows\System32" & the "SysWOW64" and copy and paste the .dll's from the icon pack you want to use.

Then I restart my PC and notice that all my icons didn't completey change so now we need to Clear The Icon Cache (http://virtualcustoms.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=136) or manually navigate to "C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local" and if you have "View all files and Folders" Checked then you will see "IconCache" there "Delete It" kill the "explorer.exe" in task manager under processes and then restart the "explorer.exe"

And thats it that's another option of installing without the Script and then will you see and know everything that is going on it's just the matter of replacing a few .dll's :)

As for messing with other icons like Office icons and such I'm not completely sure it would need testing try installing them this way firs and then using the script and see which one works best.I personally find the install script the easiest way myself as i do a fresh install every week and the Icons are first to get changed and i have never had any issues with the installer.

Hope this helps and let me know if i forgot anything. :)

November 28th, 2009, 12:57 AM
Thanks but, no way, there is something wired, because i did all things you said, and when i reboot after clearing iconcache nothing happened, icons are the same.

I use mozilla firefox, i wanted to download another icons pack, when i made save the file as, i saw that icons was changed except folders, but only on the browser of firefox.

I tried to install others icons but same thing.

Thanks for help and i hope you have the solution.

November 28th, 2009, 01:24 AM
Hi 9-THUG,

First off have you got any custom themes installed?

Secondly try this : Go into your "C:\Windows\System32 & if you are x64 C:\Windows\SysWOW64" folders and see how many imageres.dll , imagesp1.dll , Shell32.dll's are there.

Coz what might be happening is coz you have a theme installed it might be corrupting the "Shell32.dll" so look for how many you have there "INCLUDING ".BAK's" or ".TMP"

The icon pack's installs and turns the original ones to ".BAK's" so it might be trying to create a ".BAK" when one already exists.Same as the other .dll's.

Let us know?

November 28th, 2009, 01:43 AM

I have only one of the .dlls and .bak (which i made myself), any .tmp.

I installed only glass blue icons with the installer and i uninstalled it, my matter with the installer is that it didn't tell me when the installation finished, i think that's why it not work for me.

After i tried to install black glass icons but same thing.


November 28th, 2009, 01:51 AM
The icons are installed but there is something wired, because on desktop all files icons are the same (the basic), and when i go to zak(my user name documents or something like that) all icons folders(desktop, links, my music . . .) was changed, but when i enter to any folder, icons of folders which are in didn't change.

With any software which i can browse on my computer, i see that all icons was changed, but only on the software.


November 28th, 2009, 01:54 AM
Did you make Backups of your Original .dll's? If you did then just try to get yourself back to an original status meaning that you will only have 1 of each of the .dll's in the spacific directories with NO .BAK's or .TMP's, So almost as if you have done a clean install. ;)

Once done you have done that successfully report back. Don't try to install anymore.

November 28th, 2009, 02:06 AM
Original backups are the .bak, you think that there are no solutions anymore ??

November 28th, 2009, 02:26 AM
Well it's pretty straight forward the icon pack's just rename your originals .dll's .BAK's then restarts ya PC and the custom .dll's with Mr GRiM's icons take over there for giving you new icon's :)

There can only be so many thing that are causing you issues so it is just the matter of playing the illumination process until it works.

The only thing i can suggest now (without doing a clean install) is to delete your Thumbnail Cache using disk cleanup then rebooting.And then if that dont work manually in task manager kill the explorer.exe and restart it again.Thats all i can suggest although someone else may have a better idea.

Good luck

November 28th, 2009, 03:49 AM
If i want to change icons i have to do it manually, but the matter is that there are a lot of icons which i have to change, and every time i create a new folder i have to change the icon, it sucks.

Thank you for help and i hope someone else can help me.