View Full Version : How to change single icons

November 25th, 2009, 09:29 PM
OK here is the question I have how can I change single icons. I have a 1tb drive dedicated to just movies and have dvd cases made or downloaded that i want to add in there place but dont want to put each one in a single folder to do this. I know how to change all the same icon but want to do them one by one with their new dvd case.

November 25th, 2009, 09:49 PM
Hi nofx1994 and Welcome to virtual customs,

Not sure if that can be done or if a app even exists that can do that for you the only way i know of is doing them 1 at a time which will take far to long.

Just to be sure you are talking about these folder's in my case it would be my Movie Archive ULTIMATE folders "see pic"


And you want to change them to something like this for each folder? "see pic"


The only thing i can suggest is to go over to Stark Covers (http://www.simplify-i-t.com/forum/index.php) and have a look around and maybe ask there im sure someone would be able to help.

November 25th, 2009, 10:16 PM
thanks and no that is not exactly how I wanted to change them I know how to do the folders but for example i have the shrek trilogy i want to put each movie with its own dvd case i can put one on the folder itself but wanted to do each file separate

November 25th, 2009, 10:20 PM
:sorry: mate i cant help then but if you do find out how and manage to do so please post back and share how to do so because you have got me curious now. ;)

November 25th, 2009, 10:23 PM
yeah I will cause there has to be some sort of way to do this cause if you can change multiply files you should be able to change one single file

November 26th, 2009, 02:57 AM
I'm a bit confused, are you asking for each movie to be in it's own folder, but change the folder icon to a DVD cover icon?

If that's what you want and you have all the icons for the job then all you need to do is right click on the icon you want to change and then click on the customize tab and then change icon, browse for the location of your icons and select it and press OK.

Hope this helps.

November 27th, 2009, 03:33 AM
no i am asking how to change single files i know how to change folders already but i can change mp3's but for some reason it will not change movies files cause i have every dvd cover already for pretty much all my movies (which is alot) to change them but they will not change the file but it will change the folder and do not want to put each movie in their own folder that would be way too many folders

November 27th, 2009, 04:29 AM
Oh I think i know what ya mean are you talking about these?





If you are than these are Thumbnails that is why it has been a problem understanding.

These are located in "C:\windows\System32\imageres.dll" & the sysWOW64" folder and as far as i know there is no way to assign individual .avi,.wmv, or .mkv's or whatever the format to each have there own thumbnail.

Let us know if im on the right track.If im not then post some pic's :)

November 27th, 2009, 10:05 AM

lets see if you look at the first two they are in seperate folders (which i really dont want to do) and the last one is not in a folder well what i am trying to do is not put them in single subfolders rather put these covers on them so when i click on American Pie Movies they show up like the first two and not the standard icon like on the end one

November 27th, 2009, 10:09 PM
:idk: I got no idea what you are talking about lol maybe someone else will step in and are able to help ya.

Sound like you are confusing the difference between Folders,Icons and Thumbs which are 3 completely different things ;) just to confusing.

November 27th, 2009, 11:46 PM
ok it is setup like this

i have a 1tb drive just for movies
i have folders setup for certain movie genres, trilogy's, etc.
and in these folders are avi,mkv or blueray files
i am trying to change these files to the dvd covers i have but have not figured out how to change the movie file itself without putting it in a subfolder and changing the folder itself and i dont want to have the main folder and alot of subfolders inside the main folder.

hope this clarifies it better

November 27th, 2009, 11:59 PM
Ok yep that is much clearer but i am afraid that will not be possible (as far as i know) so you will need to do some more googleing i reckon.

Good Luck.

November 28th, 2009, 12:04 AM
thanks and sorry i was not really clear on this but just frustrating that i can change any other file but can not change video files