View Full Version : Windows Vista Broken Aero for Windows 7

December 2nd, 2009, 01:48 PM
Hi there......so....i would like to have Vista Broken Aero Theme for my Win7 Ultimate(7600) but i think there isn't any for Win7 so i wonder if anyone could make it for me or tell me where to downloadt it :) something like in the pic below.....thank you.....

December 2nd, 2009, 02:47 PM
Hi there......so....i would like to have Vista Broken Aero Theme for my Win7 Ultimate(7600) but i think there isn't any for Win7 so i wonder if anyone could make it for me or tell me where to downloadt it :) something like in the pic below.....thank you.....

It's a nice theme but it can only be used with Windows Blinds so I don't think it can be converted to a msstyle sorry.

January 30th, 2010, 08:05 AM
This is a theme for Window Blinds.