View Full Version : DirectUI XML - Notes that you can use.

The gimp
December 12th, 2009, 09:06 AM
Example 1: TextColor:Color == foreground="gtc(DocumentsPreviewPaneControl::Edit, 0, 0, 3803)"

foreground: Tells the theme that this is the foreground text color.
gtc(): Tells the theme that this is a color.
ClassName: Tells the theme what class to read from in the MSStyles.
Number: Tells the theme what part to read from in the MSStyles. *
Number: Tells the theme what state to read from in the MSStyles. *
Number: Tells the theme what kind of color to use (textcolor:color, fillcolor:color, etc) **

*If the property is located in the class itself and not a part/state then set to 0.

**Numbers specify what type of color to use (textcolor:color, fillcolor:color, etc) So far 215 are known.
See this page for details and what numbers to use for which properties:


The above example in VSB would be Explorer & Shell > Shell > PreviewPaneControl > Documents:Edit

Example 2: FillColor:Color == background="themeable(gtc(DocumentsPreviewPaneControl::Edit, 3, 0, 3802), window)"

background: Tells the theme that this is the background color.
themeable(): Tells the theme to use more than one property.
window: Inheritance (fallback if the first item in themeable() isn't found)

The above example in VSB would be Explorer & Shell > Shell > PreviewPaneControl > Documents:Edit > Background

To find Class/Part/State select something in VSB and click the info icon in the CommandBar.

ItemsView:ListView is the class name. The Part and State numbers are at the bottom when you click Show Details. If Part and/or State numbers aren't present then use 0.

Thanks to panda X