View Full Version : Random Panes

December 14th, 2009, 11:44 PM
I know sergio has already made a topic about this, but this is a different way to do this without vsb or wsb.

Just go into restorator 2007
Open your themes shellstyle
Go to the uifile, and download the text I attached add attach it to the uifile.
Then right click on the bitmap folder, click assign new resource, name it 200. Then use a picture you want for it but make sure the size is 1250x106.
Repeat that step 4 until you get to 700.
When you make 700, the size has to be 1250x31.

Then save and you'll have multi panes.






Note: The sizes may not have to be as I specified so try it out. I was told so but I never tried any other size.
It also has animated text.
I hope I helped. ;)


December 15th, 2009, 05:03 AM
:cool: I will give this a try later tonight, Thanks for sharing mate. :)

December 15th, 2009, 07:18 AM
No problem. Lemme know how it goes.

December 16th, 2009, 12:00 PM
hello excuse after opening shellstyle.dll I did not understand what I do:
uifile open, I open the file and replace the written text you with your file? or should I add to the end?

:sorry: excuse for English

December 16th, 2009, 07:09 PM
hello excuse after opening shellstyle.dll I did not understand what I do:
uifile open, I open the file and replace the written text you with your file? or should I add to the end?

:sorry: excuse for English
You replace it. Download mine, and drag and drop onto yours. Then press F8. ;)

December 18th, 2009, 04:18 PM
hello excuse after opening shellstyle.dll I did not understand what I do:
uifile open, I open the file and replace the written text you with your file? or should I add to the end?

:sorry: excuse for English

You replace it. Download mine, and drag and drop onto yours. Then press F8. ;)

thank... :cool:

I know sergio has already made a topic about this, but this is a different way to do this without vsb or wsb.

Just go into restorator 2007
Open your themes shellstyle
Go to the uifile, and download the text I attached add attach it to the uifile.
Then right click on the bitmap folder, click assign new resource, name it 200. Then use a picture you want for it but make sure the size is 1250x106.
Repeat that step 4 until you get to 700.
When you make 700, the size has to be 1250x31.

Then save and you'll have multi panes.

Note: The sizes may not have to be as I specified so try it out. I was told so but I never tried any other size.
It also has animated text.
I hope I helped. ;)

can i have you picture? because i'm not good with phtoshop

December 18th, 2009, 05:13 PM
hello excuse after opening shellstyle.dll I did not understand what I do:
uifile open, I open the file and replace the written text you with your file? or should I add to the end?

:sorry: excuse for English

You replace it. Download mine, and drag and drop onto yours. Then press F8. ;)

thank... :cool:

I know sergio has already made a topic about this, but this is a different way to do this without vsb or wsb.

Just go into restorator 2007
Open your themes shellstyle
Go to the uifile, and download the text I attached add attach it to the uifile.
Then right click on the bitmap folder, click assign new resource, name it 200. Then use a picture you want for it but make sure the size is 1250x106.
Repeat that step 4 until you get to 700.
When you make 700, the size has to be 1250x31.

Then save and you'll have multi panes.

Note: The sizes may not have to be as I specified so try it out. I was told so but I never tried any other size.
It also has animated text.
I hope I helped. ;)

can i have you picture? because i'm not good with phtoshop

Use the preview ones I posted, just right click and save as ;)

December 19th, 2009, 11:15 AM
hello excuse after opening shellstyle.dll I did not understand what I do:
uifile open, I open the file and replace the written text you with your file? or should I add to the end?

:sorry: excuse for English

You replace it. Download mine, and drag and drop onto yours. Then press F8. ;)

thank... :cool:

I know sergio has already made a topic about this, but this is a different way to do this without vsb or wsb.

Just go into restorator 2007
Open your themes shellstyle
Go to the uifile, and download the text I attached add attach it to the uifile.
Then right click on the bitmap folder, click assign new resource, name it 200. Then use a picture you want for it but make sure the size is 1250x106.
Repeat that step 4 until you get to 700.
When you make 700, the size has to be 1250x31.

Then save and you'll have multi panes.

Note: The sizes may not have to be as I specified so try it out. I was told so but I never tried any other size.
It also has animated text.
I hope I helped. ;)

can i have you picture? because i'm not good with phtoshop

Use the preview ones I posted, just right click and save as ;)
ok thanks :tu:

December 19th, 2009, 02:35 PM
No problem.

January 23rd, 2010, 09:13 PM
Sounds pretty cool. I will have to try that. Can you share your detail pane images? Thanks

January 26th, 2010, 07:46 PM
Sounds pretty cool. I will have to try that. Can you share your detail pane images? Thanks

I explained already to right click on the ones I posted and click save as.

bgjerlow designs
January 26th, 2010, 07:48 PM
We already got a thread how to do this from inside WSB/VSB ;)

January 26th, 2010, 09:49 PM
This is an alternate way.

bgjerlow designs
January 26th, 2010, 10:33 PM
true but if you have WSB/VSB this is (the tut i did) way easier than manually editing the files with restorator like you would do if you follow this tut

January 28th, 2010, 08:19 AM
Hi sergiogarcia9,

Can you post a link to your tut, Please. I searched for it the other day and just couldn't find it. I didn't know it was a wsb tut however.

I appreciate psych0t1c post here but there's a lot of info missing.

It won't do any good to save the posted images because they have the folder, frame and really the complete top of the window. Anyone would have to spend a lot of time cleaning these images up in order to use them and then they still wouldn't be as good as the original images.

I guess the originals are not available? Maybe this is a repost from somewhere else?

Any way, Thanks again psych0t1c for wetting our appetite and sergiogarcia, Thanks in advance for the link to your tutorial.

Best Regards to All...

bgjerlow designs
January 30th, 2010, 11:31 PM
Here you go siemprelisto :)
viewtopic.php?f=63&t=412 (http://virtualcustoms.net/viewtopic.php?f=63&t=412)

September 17th, 2011, 10:38 AM
We already got a thread how to do this from inside WSB/VSB ;) Serg I notice you do this to everyone that does a tutorial on something you have done one. I will tell you this everyone has the right to do a tutorial on anything they want and it does not matter if someone has done one before or not or if your way is easier that is irrelevant, and you even try to give me shit one time on a tut i did you need to grow up and stop acting so childish i am quite sick of it

Big V
September 17th, 2011, 03:05 PM
Bigc i hope you realize the last post in this thread is over a year and half old plus sergi is not even on the site anymore so i guess you have started talking yourself in the forum now instead of just in chat :beaut:lmao2

September 17th, 2011, 05:00 PM
Bigc i hope you realize the last post in this thread is over a year and half old plus sergi is not even on the site anymore so i guess you have started talking yourself in the forum now instead of just in chat :beaut:lmao2 I didn't notice oh and :fu:lmao2