View Full Version : Vista Hex-Edit Tutorial - For Windows VISTA

December 30th, 2009, 12:21 AM
Author: UK.Intel (http://www.winmatrix.com/forums/index.php?/user/33078-uk-intel/)

This is a "How to" guide and a list of some Useful changes you can make to Vista Visual Styles and Themes.
with NEW Instructions and Edits

Tutorial 0.4 contains Information for Editing the following
- Desktop Background
- Windows Title Bar Text Colour
- Max TitleBar Text Colour
- Max TitleBar Text Glow
- Max TitleBar Text Opacity
- TaskBar Height
- TaskBar Text Colour
- Clock Text Colour
- Grouped Windows Tab and List Text Colour
- Start Menu Text Colour
- Start Menu Margins (Top Border Width)
- Start Menu “All Programs List” Background Colour
- Buttons Text Colour *NEW*
- Search Bar Text Colour *NEW*
- Address Bar in Browser Text Colour *NEW*
- Address Bar in Internet Explorer Text Colour *NEW*
- Selected Item Highlight and Text Colour *NEW*
- Tool Tip Information Popup Text Colour
- Hyperlink Text Colour *NEW*
- Navigation Pane Text Colour
- Nav Pane in Control Panel Text Colour
- Nav Pane in Control Panel Gradient Colour
- Application Background Colour
- Copy/Delete Prompt & Progress Background Colour
- List Background Colour
- List Text Colour *NEW*
- Basic Windows Media Player Background Colour
- Basic Window (Bottom Frame) for rounded Corners
- Windows Border Padding (Frame Width)
- Toolbar Text Colour
- Windows Mail Toolbar Text Colour
- Internet Explorer Toolbar & Tab Text Colour *NEW*
- Folder Band Toolbar Text Colour
- FolderBand Ext. Menu List Background Colour
- Info Bar Text Colour
- Windows Text Colour *NEW*
- Windows Headings & Sub-Headings Text Colour *NEW*
- Prompt Text Colour (copy/delete/move/exit without save) *NEW*
- Navigation Pane Heading Title Text Colour (Folders)*NEW*
- Balloon Tip (Notification) Title Text Colour *NEW*


December 30th, 2009, 06:28 PM
IS there someting like this for Win 7?? Or is this can be done in win 7 too ?

December 30th, 2009, 06:40 PM
IS there someting like this for Win 7?? Or is this can be done in win 7 too ?

I haven't tried it on Windows 7 or Vista but I'm sure there will be some similarities, best way to find out is have play and see what works and what doesn't.