View Full Version : Task Manager & Window Text

January 6th, 2010, 06:10 PM
I knew where these were at before but now I completely forgot and need help. New theme, just these bugs.

Just need to know how to edit the mouseover image in the task manager, the header which is white, and how to change the box text from black to blue.



January 6th, 2010, 06:59 PM
Just need to know how to edit the mouseover image in the task manager, the header which is white, and how to change the box text from black to blue.


OK the first one is in:

Toolbars, Header & Rebar - Toolbars & headers - Header

The mouse over and hot selected etc are in:

Explorer & Shell - Explorer - ListView - ListItem


And to change that black color I think is in:

Windows Colors & System Metrics - Fonts & System Metrics - Window:Color
Windows Colors & System Metrics - Fonts & System Metrics - Menu:Color
Windows Colors & System Metrics - Fonts & System Metrics - BTNFACE:Color

January 6th, 2010, 08:10 PM
The task manager parts work but the windows don't.