View Full Version : Changing the 'Libraries' and 'Favorites' icon on Windows Exp

January 9th, 2010, 04:30 PM
What part (icon number) of imageres.dll should I edit to change these? I've managed to change everything else, and I'm pretty sure I've changed the right icons for these two in imageres but they both display the normal folder icon instead. Could it be a registry problem?

January 9th, 2010, 10:17 PM
Hi there Pickaxe and :welcome:

The only thing i know about the Icons is that they are located in 'imageres.dll'

Documents = 1002

Pictures = 1003

Music = 1004

Videos = 1005

I havent tried changing them before like you said though if you changed the ones in 'imageres.dll' and they didn't change then they must also have another

location or something to do with the registry :(

The only other thing I found is if you open up 'Shell32.dll' with restorator you will see a drop down menu named 'LIBRARY' in that drop down there are

5 xml's and they all refer to imageres.dll for the Library icons.

So maybe something needs to be altered in there :idk:

Sorry I cant be of more help I will keep looking around though.

January 9th, 2010, 11:44 PM
Thanks for the help Cashis, but I was referring to the icon that says 'Libraries' that can be expanded to view the actual libraries in Windows Explorer. IconPackager messed all of my icons up (awful program/company) so I'm remaking them without third party tools - this is probably the reason why both the Libraries icon (again, not the libraries themselves...) and the Favorites icon appear as normal folders. Then again I guess they could have been stuck as something much worse...

January 10th, 2010, 12:09 AM
Thanks for the help Cashis, but I was referring to the icon that says 'Libraries' that can be expanded to view the actual libraries in Windows Explorer. IconPackager messed all of my icons up (awful program/company) so I'm remaking them without third party tools - this is probably the reason why both the Libraries icon (again, not the libraries themselves...) and the Favorites icon appear as normal folders. Then again I guess they could have been stuck as something much worse...

oh my bad mate :sorry: I must of misunderstood your post :idk:

do you mean these ?


Or am i way off?

maybe post a pic if u like and I may be able to help ya. :)

January 10th, 2010, 03:16 AM
The only thing i know about the Icons is that they are located in 'imageres.dll'
You can change them here.
Documents = 1002

Pictures = 1003

Music = 1004

Videos = 1005


January 11th, 2010, 12:40 AM
The library are xml files stored in your user AppData folder. Here is the guide I used to change mine without having to edit the dll file.

In Windows Explorer, navigate to: (See screenshot below)
C:\Users\(User Name)\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Libraries

Drag the Library icon (from step 2) that you want to change into the blank Notepad and drop it. (See screenshots below)
NOTE: Libraries are .xml files, so they can be edited in Notepad. These are the default entries for the Libraries.

* Documents default- <iconReference>imageres.dll,-1002</iconReference>
* Music default - <iconReference>imageres.dll,-1004</iconReference>
* Pictures default - <iconReference>imageres.dll,-1003</iconReference>
* Videos default - <iconReference>imageres.dll,-1005</iconReference>

To Use a Custom Icon of Yours -

A) Look for the <iconReference>path to icon</iconReference> line. (See screenshots above)

NOTE: If this is a new Library that you have created, then the line will not be there and you will need to add the <iconReference>path to icon</iconReference> line directly under the <isLibraryPinned>-1</isLibraryPinned> line entry.

B) In Notepad, substitute path to icon to the full path of the custom icon that you want to use for the default Library icon instead.

January 11th, 2010, 01:05 AM
The library are xml files stored in your user AppData folder. Here is the guide I used to change mine without having to edit the dll file.

In Windows Explorer, navigate to: (See screenshot below)
C:\Users\(User Name)\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Libraries

Drag the Library icon (from step 2) that you want to change into the blank Notepad and drop it. (See screenshots below)
NOTE: Libraries are .xml files, so they can be edited in Notepad. These are the default entries for the Libraries.

* Documents default- <iconReference>imageres.dll,-1002</iconReference>
* Music default - <iconReference>imageres.dll,-1004</iconReference>
* Pictures default - <iconReference>imageres.dll,-1003</iconReference>
* Videos default - <iconReference>imageres.dll,-1005</iconReference>

To Use a Custom Icon of Yours -

A) Look for the <iconReference>path to icon</iconReference> line. (See screenshots above)

NOTE: If this is a new Library that you have created, then the line will not be there and you will need to add the <iconReference>path to icon</iconReference> line directly under the <isLibraryPinned>-1</isLibraryPinned> line entry.

B) In Notepad, substitute path to icon to the full path of the custom icon that you want to use for the default Library icon instead.

Thanks for this mate :)

Do you have a link to where this tut is?

February 9th, 2010, 04:17 AM
hey dude i found this tutorial in sevenforums, I changed my default libraries icon with this one hope it'll be help 4 u too!!

here's the link:
http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/34 ... -icon.html (http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/34032-libraries-icon-change-default-icon.html)