View Full Version : Now i need a pointer

February 13th, 2010, 07:52 PM
Ok :idk: so following my previous question i am new to modding themes and i am pretty sure i know what i am doing lol

I need to know if possible where i can find a few images like the close, maximize and minimize buttons for the windows are i have been looking for 20 mins to no avail lol

i have found most thing that i am going to change but as i am new to this and enjoying it plaese can someone maybe give me a list of where all the common item locations are like the taskbar 1166 and 921.

as i say i am pretty new to this so if im missing something help me out please :flirt:

February 13th, 2010, 08:19 PM
OK I take it you don't have Windows Style Builder so you will have to do it the hard way and edit the whole Stream Image.

O[en the theme in Restorator and extract the Stream image 971 and you will find all the caption buttons and explorer frame images on that, you can then edit those images but you need to keep all you images in the same location and size as the originals, if you have Windows Style Builder you edit the images individually and you can also change the size so it makes things allot easier then editing the whole Stream image.

February 13th, 2010, 08:25 PM
Thanks i just made a new thread can it be deleted sorry!!

is windows theme builder on this site ill have a look for it now

February 13th, 2010, 08:45 PM
No it's not but check your PM ;)