View Full Version : Enabling Custom Themes - Windows 7

March 1st, 2010, 08:12 AM
How to Enable Custom Themes without Modifying System Files
Published by Zidane24 (http://www.sevenforums.com/member.php?u=14480)

[info2:2wca0um9]This will show you how to enable and use custom themes without modifying system files. This method (in the form of a runnable service) was created and maintained by Rafael Rivera at Within Windows[/info2:2wca0um9]
[note2:2wca0um9]This method can be used on Windows XP Service Pack 2-3, Windows Vista (All Service Packs), and Windows 7[/note2:2wca0um9]
[warn:2wca0um9]The UxStyle installer checks to see if typical patched files (like uxtheme.dll) have been patched. If they have, the installer will fail and you must replace these patched files with the original Windows' copies. Check the Frequently Asked Questions part of the tutorial for help with resolving this issue[/warn:2wca0um9]

Here's How:

1. Disable User Account Control (this is only temporary, Windows Vista and 7 only)

2. Download UxStyle Core Beta here (http://uxstyle.com/) and save the file to a meaningful location (such as the desktop)

Read the rest of the Tutorial here (http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/34579-enabling-custom-themes-windows-7-a.html)

March 1st, 2010, 10:37 AM
I did not understand the full ..

What does it do?

March 1st, 2010, 10:43 AM
It will let you use custom themes without the need of patching system files.

March 4th, 2010, 07:16 AM
why do we need to use this complicated way? Is there a risk using the patched file thingy?

March 4th, 2010, 11:34 PM
Yes some people have had to do complete reinstalls using patched files and some people just don't like to change system files because it can cause problems and stop other things from functioning, but this way is the safest way to do it and it's not all that complicated really.

March 7th, 2010, 07:43 PM
I used the VistaGlazz that you put in your Midnight Theme on my Windows 64bit 7 Ultimate.Isn't this a OK way to go?It did work,the Theme is in my Themes folder,I have the Blue Glass icons working also,but I can not get my control panel or anywhere else black you have.Is Restorator the only way to do this?What happens when the trial goes,will it be stuck at what color is at that time or will it go back to regular windows colors?I'm new at all this,I must say that it is fun to me though!I love the way it looks.Thanks for such a kool theme Mr GRiM :cool:

March 8th, 2010, 01:58 AM
After your trial runs out on Restorator you can change everything back to default by opening an elevated command prompt and running sfc /scannow, this will restore any modified system files, or there are other free alternatives you could try that will let you edit the system resources such as Resource Hacker (http://www.angusj.com/resourcehacker/reshack_setup.exe)

March 8th, 2010, 02:09 AM
After your trial runs out on Restorator you can change everything back to default by opening an elevated command prompt and running sfc /scannow, this will restore any modified system files, or there are other free alternatives you could try that will let you edit the system resources such as Resource Hacker (http://www.angusj.com/resourcehacker/reshack_setup.exe)
I just found that a minute ago,I am trying to learn it now.it does not let you copy and paste like restorator did,I got to figure it out.Thanks man.Have you ever used this one?

March 8th, 2010, 02:34 AM
I replaced the 4 bmp images 632,633,...etc that were in the shell32 replacement folder.I have win 7 64bit ultimate.I did this with both system32 and wow64.What should of happened? Should everything of went black.I want this bad man :roflmao: I swear I do! How do I get the ALL Black everything? You know like you picture of the Midnight Theme? I can do this with a bit of guidence.


March 8th, 2010, 03:00 PM
Sorry Stin I haven't used that one myself and I am also sorry to say that I have lots of problems with x64 changing things, I have Vista on a dual bot and I always find I have better luck if I boot into Vista to make changes to the Windows 7 partition, the other alternative you have is to choose one of my icon packs and replace the images in the dll's in the data folder and then use the installer to install the icons and those images.