View Full Version : [fixed]<sorta>help me understand progress bars...

March 10th, 2010, 12:00 AM
When I use the theme I am working on, there are programs that utilize the graphic that goes from left to right on top of the regular progress bar (for example) while a program is being installed. But it doesn't always do this. But some times just the regular progress bar is used without using the highlight graphic that moves across the bar. These are all horizontal bars that I am talking about.

Can someone help me to understand what's going on? I changed the graphics in:

buttons, boxes and controls > progress bars > normal > MoveOverlay

buttons, boxes and controls > progress bars > Intermediate > MoveOverlay

That's all I have changed. Do I need to make changes elsewhere? I'm afraid that I just don't know much about the progress bar (and a lot of other stuff :) )

any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: I ended up changing the background color of my progress bar and the animations started working?? Go figure. Thanks to anyone who took the time to read this.







March 10th, 2010, 12:22 AM
yup thats it basically
but u can change the glow overlay to a different color if u want but I wouldnt reccomend it, it looks fine the way it is to me

March 10th, 2010, 01:14 AM
Thanks man... I appreciate the comment. I will look at some other themes and see how they do it. Probably should have done that before a posted :)