View Full Version : win 7 library icons

March 10th, 2010, 06:23 PM
Hi folks i have a request. after extensive searching on the net i am unable to find suitable icons for the library ,what i am looking for is a library set that look like mr grims blue glass icons the current icons in the library with a "blue glass" platform or base would be ideal and possibly with some dark areas on the icons in keeping with mr grims icon packs. i am currently running mr grims GFX theme and have changed my icon pack to blue glass,the library is the only set i need to change to finish off the theme, oh and not being able to change the systems clock (timedate.cpl) due to my ignorance (any advice on howto would be greatly appreciated!)
anyhow thanks in advance. anyone using the gfx theme from mr grim may want to check out this wmp icon for pinning to taskbar its from deviant from a couple of years ago but looks really good on the taskbar