View Full Version : Any Help???

March 29th, 2010, 08:56 AM
how can i begin the win7 style builder? :D
there is no tutorial or a instruction to read...


March 29th, 2010, 10:54 AM
Start the program from the start menu and then open an existing style or start a new one using Default Aero as the template and then go from there, when you select edit on a image it will ask you what image editing program you want to use and then one you have edited your image save it as a png and then hit done on Windows Style Builder and then use the test button to see how your changes look.

Then just keep working your way through all the images and just try and familiarize the terms used and the locations of the different images, you will never remember them all but you should start knowing where the main ones are, if your stuck then have a look at the Windows Style Builder Section on here and have a look at some of the questions to see if you have the same one, unfortunately some people don't use very good titles so it makes it harder to find your answers and some people have so many questions in one thread it is impossible to have a title that covers it all.

If you do have questions that you cant find an answer to please make a simple thread for each question and make the title relevant so others and yourself can find it again for future reference.

Good Luck and I am sure I will see you around.