View Full Version : Best Antivirus 2010

March 29th, 2010, 09:56 PM
Could someone point me in the right direction as to which antivirus is the best, I'm having a problem
deciding if avast, norton or kaspersky should be recommended. Plz post you views. Cheers!!! :idk:

March 29th, 2010, 10:23 PM
I use Microsoft Security Essentials and I think it does just as good a job as any, Avast is OK too but stay away from Norton.

March 29th, 2010, 11:11 PM
i used to use norton... but then i started using AVG and its soo much better in so many different ways... it catches things right away (unlike norton... didnt catch crap until you had already opened something with a virus) and its waaaayy less resource heavy... if you can get the full version its worth it... the free version is good to but my trial ran out and i don't have the mula to pay for it... thats just my opinion

March 29th, 2010, 11:24 PM
I use Avast and like Mark said don't even touch Norton.

March 30th, 2010, 12:02 AM
Well i have been using Avast 4.8 for a while now but i ran into some technical difficulties lately.
Microsoft Security Essentials is new to me so I'm not too sure how well it works however it is worth a try since it is free.
Thanks for the comments :cool:

March 30th, 2010, 11:57 AM
im using AVIRA...been using it for years, never had a prob.or an virus or trojan in my pc ;)
here are tests for Anti virus tools and so...real tests...

http://www.av-comparatives.org/comparat ... main-tests (http://www.av-comparatives.org/comparativesreviews/main-tests)

and the results:

http://www.av-comparatives.org/images/s ... port25.pdf (http://www.av-comparatives.org/images/stories/test/ondret/avc_report25.pdf)

very interesting stuff...

and looks like the FREE comodo software is getting better and better...firewall hit the 100% points lol...nothing got in there...

anyway, read and decide...greetz VS

March 31st, 2010, 02:57 PM
Norton is shit, takes 25% of my RAM on my laptop (500 mb) I think its a memory leak tho...

April 15th, 2010, 03:09 PM
Bit Defender hands down, def the best, have never had a virus in 2 years since running and is sooooooo easy on your system :)

May 15th, 2010, 03:06 AM
I'm using da latest free avast 5.0.545 and it's so sensitive that when i plug my Nokia N95 to my Laptop on Data transfer it reconizes my phone has Malware because it's cracked.I try avg for a little time but i returned to avast,i recomend Avast and it's free :) .Panda made my pc very slow and Norton is a big problem :S .
For me the better is Avast. :D

May 23rd, 2010, 06:44 AM
kaspersky... is the antivirus of choice for me since it works rather well with gamers.

Norton is hell reincarnated and its sole purpose is to annoy the hell out of you at every critical moment you come across when your on the computer.

Avast is good. Although it sometimes feels like it never does anything unless you jack the security settings up.

May 24th, 2010, 12:59 PM
AVIRA is the best anti-virus.... :burns: :burns: :burns: :burns: :burns:

May 26th, 2010, 09:37 PM
I use Kaspersky, but only because I got a free 1 yr license. I would use Microsoft Security Essentials if I didn't have this. This thread is purely based on opinion. What is the best antivirus? Well actually the best antivirus is YOU! Stay away from certain sites and don't download everything under the sun. Join some private torrent sites if you like to torrent and stay away from public sites and this includes Demonoid. If you do use Demonoid or other public sites, only download from trusted uploaders. Stay away from the seedier side of the net too. We all know that porn sites are a major distributor of malware and so is Facebook and other social sites. You are the best protection against malware for your computer. Smart internet practices will keep you virus and malware free(for the most part). You should only need basic protection from there. I use Kaspersky IS 2010 and scan with Malwarebytes Antimalware every once in a while. For all you Norton haters out there, I used to stay away from them big time, but as of Norton 2009 they have totally started from scratch and rewritten there program. It is now very lite on resources and is very good at detection and scans faster than any other program out there. I know that they have sucked in the past and that they have a terrible reputation, but if you download the 24 day trial just to try it out, I think you will be impressed. Just remember to get the Norton removal tool to completely get rid of it if you don't want to keep it.

June 5th, 2010, 12:08 AM
Kaspersky Pure - a more complete anti-malware built around Kaspersky IS. Like any Kaspersky product, nothing gets past this. Also try BitDefender 2010, also an excellent product. Both have been at the top of testing lists for years but please note that you do have to pay for license after the trail period.... my two bits...


June 5th, 2010, 10:08 AM
Ive been using avast for a few years now and had no problems.... I have used panda and avg and both let massave viruses threw that killed my 1st pc many years ago.lol
so id say avast is the best but everyone has their favorite so id try one and if it does the job you are lookin for then youve cracked it.

June 8th, 2010, 08:43 PM
Free: Avira
With money: KIS!! With a special skin: with more functions!!
and now: kis 2011

June 10th, 2010, 10:42 AM
Personally I use Zillya Antivirus. Although he was quite paranoid, but very effective and most importantly do not brake system.
p.s. Sorry for my bad English

June 20th, 2010, 05:14 PM
i've been using avast for a few years. did fall foul of norton once a many moon ago. so far i have never had a prob with avast. but it is down to you to decide which you choose. some of the free ones are better than some of the subscription based ones

bgjerlow designs
June 21st, 2010, 03:03 PM
I use Microsoft Security Essentials, and Avast together, and they work perfect together :) Havent had a single problem

bgjerlow designs
June 22nd, 2010, 07:00 PM
[quote="sergiogarcia9 ยป Jun 21st, 2010, 8:33 pm (http://virtualcustoms.net/viewtopic.php?p=13937#p13937)":fcqbsoeu]I use Microsoft Security Essentials, and Avast together, and they work perfect together :) Havent had a single problem

I don't think using 2 antivirus softwares is a good idea. It can seriously downgrade the system performance causing crashes, slowdowns and consuming huge amounts of resources.[/quote:fcqbsoeu]
Some may do yes. But not Avast and MSE together ;)

June 25th, 2010, 10:09 AM
I've been running Avast Internet Security (the full paid version) until today, I've just discovered that AIS was causing download problems for me. A lot of my downloads kept freezing halfway through and wouldn't complete, the second I uninstalled Avast they all complete successfully! :what:

I'm using MSE from now on but Avast would usually be my preferred AV of choice.

EDIT: at one point I thought I managed to fix the problem in Avasts 'Advanced Settings' but it all started again when I booted up today. :(

Super Jesus
July 2nd, 2010, 04:03 AM
I use AVG free and have Malwarebytes installed for extra Malware protection and so far it works wonderfully

December 18th, 2010, 01:17 PM
My Lord , every forum I go to eventually someone asks this question ..........

The answer is , whatever you are comfortable using , just remember ........

1.) It's not how good the antivirus software is , it's the users surfing habits that usually get you into trouble.
2.) No one antivirus software catches EVERYTHING .

So I tell people whatever you are comfortable with , a computers best defense is the user . If your gonna surf porn , warez , bit torrents and all the rest of the sleazy stuff on the net , no matter who you are and what antivirus you have installed you WILL contract something sooner or later. Use your common sense , surf safely and you can install a freeware antivirus combined with a firewall and use it worry free.

May 10th, 2011, 06:35 PM
Ive used them all, both payed for and not :afraid: .Never really made sense to me why would companies bother chargin you for AV if there was loads of free ones that do the same job. I heard a little secret though one day from a white house whistle blower ----> Avira, wont let anythin go under the radar. If you ever get infected too it will clean and then auto-fix any damage that was done. Been usin it for good few years now and never given AV much thought
:peace: The way it should be .


May 11th, 2011, 01:30 AM
Ive used them all, both payed for and not :afraid: .Never really made sense to me why would companies bother chargin you for AV if there was loads of free ones that do the same job. I heard a little secret though one day from a white house whistle blower ----> Avira, wont let anythin go under the radar. If you ever get infected too it will clean and then auto-fix any damage that was done. Been usin it for good few years now and never given AV much thought
:peace: The way it should be .


As another user stated before it depends a lot on what you are comfortable using and what sites you browse.

There is a big difference between paid and free antiviruses though a big difference.
Free versions of av's are normally either to soft or to hard as in either they let things slip though the cracks easier or flag everything as a virus which is one of the things I don't like of avira especially way too many false positives are flagged as a virus.

I fix computers on a daily basis and I have pretty much tried all av's out there when you go with a pro version you are better protected as they offer more protection. Internet security suites on paid versions of av software will in effect block viruses that try to enter you computer when you visit a webpage that is infected over a free antivirus program that will let the virus though then flag it after it has already started on your system.

I used to be a big user of avg that was until I was fixing someones machine over a vpn connection they were infected and the infection jumped through the connection to my machine. At this point I started to try every antivirus out there under the same circumstances and my personal choice is Bit Defender Internet Security Pro. Since it's inception as an antivirus Bit defender has stayed in the top 2 slots for all around protection by most security companies that study av's and compter protection but again thats my personal choice.

As for using 2 av's on the same system the answer is no running more then one av on a users system will cause conflicts between the 2 av's they basically block each other out to where you are not getting any protection at all. There are various articles all over the net about running more then one av program on a single machine the most informative article you will find here: http://www.security-faqs.com/why-shouldnt-i-install-more-than-one-antivirus-program-at-a-time.html the studies and consensus by security companies and computer experts is always no in the case of running more then one av on a single system the article posted previously will shed more light into that subject :)

May 11th, 2011, 02:11 AM
well damn i can't believe i have missed this thread. so being a techy, i have to put my 2 cents in :) I have used several different av's over the years. avast, avira, avg, kaspersky, panda, trend micro, bit defender, norton, nod32, mse and few more. And i have to say my personal favorite is ESET NOD32. This along with Malwarebytes has kept my pc clean for a long time. I rarely get anything that sneaks through. But as razor and a few other members have said, you are your best protection. A users internet habits can make all the difference in the world. I for one do not go to porn or social networking sites (other than linkedin). these type of sites are the number 1 killer on a pc in my opinion. I can't say too many bad things about most of those av's except for norton (being the system hog that it is) and the crap protection that it gives you. so for a paid av my personal preference is nod32 first and bit defender second, both give you very solid protection. and for a free av (if i had to use one) would be either mse or avast.

May 11th, 2011, 04:03 AM
I second that :peace: If I had a favourite out of the Premium AV's it would be NOD32 aswell . I managed to get hold of a Business Edition a few years back which was activated for like 3000 days or so which was an even bigger bonus . So yer in my opinion if you wanna go free get Avira n if its premium go NOD . Id also do like MrGrim says and stay clear of Norton . Its not as bad as it used to be but I'd still class it as a virus :cheeky:

May 11th, 2011, 08:57 AM
I have been using Bit Defender for a long time now, both 2010 and 2011 versions. I love it and haven't had no problems with it at all. I don't think i would ever try another AntiVirus now, i also run scans spybots and AntiMalware-bytes pretty often. Hack is right about porn and social networking sites, they are the main pc killers out there.... along with kids lol, most pc's i have to fix have been messed about with by kids.

May 11th, 2011, 07:16 PM
my quick Contribution
I have used many antivirus programs,Avast,Norton,Avira
but many of them blocked the ordinary applications, or declared as a potential threat
I created a lot of my applications for custom games mode (Unreal Development Kit) and have been deleted or (quarantined)
I sometimes worked twelve hours at a stretch on one project and within seconds was deleted
I now using only our Slovak software Eset Smart Security Business Edition 4 and always i can rely on it
And one big + this software is in first place in the world and we also received many accolades for this application :girl:

bgjerlow designs
May 12th, 2011, 05:54 PM
What I use at the moment is Microsoft Security Essentials and Malwarebytes. Works perfectly together for me. I have in the past used MSE along with Avast as well, and that is a really great combination s well ;)

So my advice: Use MSE and Avast/Malwarebytes then you'll be safe from any viruses. Just remember to scan with malwarebytes once in a while.

May 13th, 2011, 08:40 PM
I use a program called pctools internet security suite and i love it it's just as good if not better than most imo it's just not as popular and has not been around as long as the others but me personally i trust it better than any other program i use to use avast but not anymore anyways here a link if you want to check it out http://www.pctools.com/

May 17th, 2011, 07:26 AM
i use malwarebytes and avast they work well for me :) but if i ever got a virus that stopped me from using my scanners malwarebytes an that i would use roguekiller which opens up as a dos , and will kill the process of the virus so then i could use malwarebytes and avast again :)

http://www.sur-la-toile.com/RogueKiller/ it is in french but u can convert that


Big V
May 17th, 2011, 01:42 PM
I use comodo internet suite. It can be a little technical to use and does give a few false positive but for a free AV I haven't found one better yet. Plus the firewall is excellent. When i have ran across already infected computer (my sisters or the kids computers lol) I have used A2Square they have a emergency usb stick that works very well.

May 21st, 2011, 05:22 AM
I dont even use a Anti Virus Program :laughing: . The only thing I use is Outpost Firewall & Ive not had a Virus since Ive been using it.


June 17th, 2011, 04:48 PM
I use eScan Protection center, it's cheap and not at all heavy on the processor and has kept me safe from virii since the last one year.