View Full Version : Change the Logon Frame

March 30th, 2010, 07:58 AM
is it possible to change the Logon Frame in windows 7 ?


March 30th, 2010, 12:23 PM
You mean the user picture frame?

If so i've seen it done before, but i have no idea how to. xD

March 30th, 2010, 06:09 PM
Can someone make me a frame like this one :P


March 30th, 2010, 08:56 PM
post a link to ur explorer.exe and ill do it

March 30th, 2010, 09:00 PM
can you add a red glow like this on those frames ?

here's what i use on my user logon and explorer :)

March 30th, 2010, 09:26 PM
ok thats nice but I asked for the explorer.exe xD

March 30th, 2010, 09:59 PM
heres the bitmap I made working on the explorer.exe
BTW the dimensions of the frame is 128x128


March 30th, 2010, 10:03 PM
wow that was fast :p

I'll go try it out now :cool:

March 30th, 2010, 10:36 PM
Do I have to still replace the Bitmap - 12223 inside the authui.dll in system32 to modify the Logon frame ? coz it turned my screen black after I locked my computer and i had to do a system restore :idk: maybe i did something wrong..
I'm gonna go try the explorer out first :p

March 30th, 2010, 10:47 PM
okay here's what i got.. the user frame on explorer turned black :shock:


March 30th, 2010, 11:02 PM
but did the logon frame work?
I think I might have replaced 7013 by accident... can u change it back?

March 30th, 2010, 11:23 PM
I think i nailed it this time :p
what I did is replace the 12223 Bitmap inside authui.dll using Restorator (for the Logon Frame)
and replaced the 7013 Bitmap inside explorer.exe using Restorator (for the User Frame)

I can't get a screenshot of the Logon Frame but i tell you the frame you made is really awesome :cool: it really fits with my current theme "DeathStar by Mr.Grim"

here's the Bitmap files I used if anybody else is interested

March 31st, 2010, 02:29 AM
Here are a few I just made, I made them as png's because I can use them that way when I put them in the explorer.exe folder for my new themes with Theme Resource Changer installed but they can be turned into bitmaps easy enough and will upload those in a bit if you want them.


March 31st, 2010, 06:02 AM
Can you make a 190x190 bitmap of the red one too :P

March 31st, 2010, 11:25 AM
its nice that some people actually liked my work xD
and u mean Mr Grim right for the 190x190? cuz the one I posted was 190x190

March 31st, 2010, 05:13 PM
I had to make a whole new one for that size, hows this one?


March 31st, 2010, 08:49 PM
User pic Frame Blue into bmp ?? PLEASE
It looks badass :D

March 31st, 2010, 09:55 PM
here you go


April 2nd, 2010, 05:29 PM
So it was the post from sounddevil13 you were directing it at then? I ask because you made that post 9 minutes after he posted it and the attachment is saying not downloaded and that's why I was confused.

April 3rd, 2010, 06:49 PM
I am sorry for that, here are the bitmaps, What are you running x64 or x82, I am running x82


April 3rd, 2010, 08:20 PM
I am running 64bit....I should have looked into that before doing the mod.MY BAD!!!! So knowing that, do i change the image file in system32 or sysWOW64?? tried to change both at same time and messed up again.
thank you for any help.

April 3rd, 2010, 08:23 PM
Are you running 32bit or 64bit....I couldnt get it to work still??

April 4th, 2010, 02:23 AM
I am running 64bit....I should have looked into that before doing the mod.MY BAD!!!! So knowing that, do i change the image file in system32 or sysWOW64?? tried to change both at same time and messed up again.
thank you for any help.[/quote:1t9srlkx]

I have 32bit and I am not sure about 64bit, but I would change just the one in system32 and see if that works


April 16th, 2010, 02:25 PM
Here is something new, replace bitmaps in the Authui.dll in windows system 32 folder. for 32bit not sure about 64bit


April 16th, 2010, 02:54 PM
looks really good!^^

April 18th, 2010, 04:24 PM
Hey guys. These are some cool explorer/logon frames. I didnt even know a thread like this existed. I downloaded them all!

Did you guys know that per a users request I made StartOrbz apply the user frame in the explorer.exe file? Its an easteregg feature. If you guys want detailed instructions on how to do it. Let me know. It is mentioned in the included read me.

I never felt the explorer frame fit into the whole "start orb universe", but since it only took all but 30 seconds to add it, I did. Because of this thread, im going to fully document this feature and point users here to get explorer user frames.

Great work and Thanks!!!!

April 18th, 2010, 06:58 PM
Great I can make alot of them, give us the info. the 180x180 is for use logon frame with password, and the others are without password.

April 18th, 2010, 07:43 PM
can you make a nice logon frame for this logon screen :p

April 18th, 2010, 09:24 PM
Keep in mind this I can only do this for the explorer (start menu) user frame. I will deal with the logon screen later this year.

If we are going to do this, we need to do it right. We need to implement some kind of standard.

First I think we should use the largest size 128x128. I can shrink the image to fit the other sizes. Its a lot nicer on the eye to shrink an image than to enlarge it. enlarging creates pixelization. Shrinking loses some detail, but the tradeoff is worth it.

We should use pngs for this. Its way easier to work with alpha pngs than with alpha bmps. No need to worry about alpha chanels, I can handle converting them to a proper bitmap internally.

I need to think of how to add this into startorbz. For now it will be basic. I just dont know if I should make these work with individual orbs (so the orb matches the frame) or so that you choose which frame to use and startorbz always applys that frame regardless of the orb. I like the first idea. Anyone?

I will float you a copy when im done so you can test it before I release it to the public. I will need input since this will be the first of its kind.


April 19th, 2010, 02:46 AM
I think you should make it (if it is easy)to control them seperate, because some times you need to match the colors of the menu or theme, not the orb.
just a thought.

April 19th, 2010, 09:20 AM
I like this idea but and I think you should be able to do one without the other, meaning apply just the start button or just the user picture frame or both using a simple check box, as far as size goes, I have never seen the larger size used by anyone here, I think it is rare for anyone to use the larger dpi's, especially largest one, so I think it may be best if we scaled the medium size image, but we should test both and see what works better.

I wish I knew how to do this stuff, it makes it so much easier using an automated program then having to explain how to do it manually every time someone asks.

As for the Standard used for making these I guess the only thing you really need to worry about is the actual area where the user image will be placed and make sure it maintains the right amount of transparency.

I also like the idea of using png's and I am already using png's for my mine anyway with the use of the Hyperdesk, I would really know how their software works as it doesn't require any system files to be changed and the User picture frame, start button and explorer frame buttons, using only png's, can be changed just by selecting another theme from the personalization menu.

There are 2 additional folder in the theme's directory, one is a folder called explorer.exe and the other is explorerframe.dll and in those folders are png's with the same numbers as the Bitmap images in the real files, the user picture frame however did not change with the Hyperdesk themes but as an experiment I tried putting one in the folder as a png and it also changed with the theme.

If you could figure out how they make this happen and make a small program emulate this then we would really have something special for everyone. :)

April 19th, 2010, 01:19 PM
How is this, if you don't need a password these will work.


April 19th, 2010, 03:26 PM
Thanks sounddevil :cool:
can you make a 190x190 too.. for my logon screen ;)

April 19th, 2010, 03:55 PM
I know this is all off topic. Sorry.

About the user frames, I thought about this a lot. I want to make it a small adjunct to startorbz. If I focus too much on it, people will want me to code something to also create the frames as well. Im not going to do that. I would rather focus on a bigger better project.

Sounddevil13 had a very good point. "I think you should make it (if it is easy)to control them seperate, because some times you need to match the colors of the menu or theme, not the orb.
just a thought."

That comment made me rethink it all. The frames really dont go with the whole start orb idea and I dont want to code a stand-alone app to do that one simple task. I will still add it to startorbz, but its going to be a simple feature. About the image size, I do want use the largest size . Im not going to leave out any dpi users like the whole start orb community did to large dpi users. I can shrink it down no problem. Its best to do ir right from the start.

Now about hyperdesk. Ive never used it but from what your telling me and what ive read, They are either doing it all in memory and or hooking they system drawing calls. That skinning engine is awesome. If I had a copy I could study it and try and figure it out.

All this is giving me an idea for a big project.

Thanks everyone-

April 19th, 2010, 05:16 PM
here I hope this works for you


April 21st, 2010, 03:00 AM
Here is one I have been working on. If you don't need to type a password in on your logon screen these will work


April 21st, 2010, 06:35 AM
Sounds Awesome what dll file looking for I like all the logon frame

April 21st, 2010, 08:01 AM
I like these ;)

April 21st, 2010, 08:34 AM
For those with hyperdesk installed just remember to have the right size of the user frames to 64x64 and put the PNG files at the explorer.exe folder inside the themes folder and it works :)

April 21st, 2010, 11:48 AM
it is the authui.dll in the system32 file

April 21st, 2010, 04:56 PM
Here's my first try on it :p

This user frame is only for the users with passwords on their logon screen :)
If you want to use it for the userframe located at the start menu.. you need to resize the images to 64x64 :)


April 21st, 2010, 10:22 PM
nice things u are making, I wonder how u make a program for this, im interested in doing so =.=

April 22nd, 2010, 05:25 AM
Mr Grim,
I like them all my question is I can't download yours at all or any of the others do i just need to right click on them and save them as an image
I am interested and would like to know how do i know if they are for

Logon Frame & user Frame does it really matter as long at the size is correct

April 24th, 2010, 10:27 PM
Does this work on 64Bit and if so where do i install it at?

April 29th, 2010, 01:03 AM
Thanks for the png userframes Mr GRiM!

April 29th, 2010, 04:33 PM
It will work for 64bit, you have to replace the images with restortor in the system32 and systemWOW

April 29th, 2010, 04:55 PM
Is you program going to use bitmaps with an alpha layer or png. If you can let me know so I can make some. are they going to included the standard 64x64 with the option to use a pic of leave it hollow to have a more custom frame


May 4th, 2010, 07:07 AM
sounddevil13 » Apr 3rd, 2010, 1:49 pm MTND3W88 » Yesterday, 7:09 pm sounddevil13 » Fri Apr 02, 2010 8:18 am[/url]":27fdq59i]The bitmaps for the authui.dll are 12219 and 12220 that need to be changed 12220 is for the highlighted when the cursor is over it, try my mine. Thge bitmaps are 80x80 :burns:

Danger!!!!... Had to do a system restore on my PC after using this file. I would suggest using restorator and just change the images.

:sorry: , but this didn't work for me? :idk:

I am sorry for that, here are the bitmaps, What are you running x64 or x82, I am running x82

Hi, Could you make me a red version of these bitmaps with highlighting when you have the time?


May 4th, 2010, 01:41 PM
Hi, Could you make me a red version of these bitmaps with highlighting when you have the time?

How is this


May 6th, 2010, 01:55 AM
Those are perfect thanks!!!

May 6th, 2010, 12:09 PM
Y this is Not Working for me :idk:

I am Using x64 bits .

May 6th, 2010, 07:00 PM
if you are using 64bit you need to replace the images in the dll. in the system32 and systemWOW64 folders.

July 4th, 2010, 03:49 PM
help my explorer.exe got messed up and i cant make windows repair thru my repair cd... i just change my explorerframe.exe in windows theme changer i guess and when i reboot,

i got an error that says "explorer.exe - application error ... the application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). click OK to close the application."

July 5th, 2010, 02:42 PM
Turn on your computer in safe mode, then open start task manager, click on File and select new task, click on the browse button and in the bottow right side instead of programs select all files. search for the explorerframe.dll (it might have been renamed to something different like explorerframe.bak.dll) Rename it to the original name and then restart, I hope this helps. pm me if you need help.


July 6th, 2010, 02:56 AM
I have 32bit and I am not sure about 64bit, but I would change just the one in system32 and see if that works

July 6th, 2010, 03:40 AM
The authui.dll is in the system32 folder, here is a pic I hope it helps


July 8th, 2010, 07:05 PM
People have been asking for help so here is a tutoial , I hope it helps:


How to Change the logon frame.

To edit the Files
The file is in the system32 folder (C:\Windows\System32 )it is called authui.dll for 32bit users
for 64bit users you will have to do both system32 and systemWOW64 Files.
Open it with restorator or Resource Hacker
Open the folder called "Bitmaps"
Bitmaps: 12219 is for the standard look
Bitmaps: 12220 is the one that changes when you move your cursor over
They are both 80x80
You will only see them when you log off and do not need a password.

If you need a password to logon, then you need to change bitmap 12223

How to Change to the File.

If you are replacing the files the first time rename the Original to authui_orig.dll
When I change the files after I like to number them.
Example: authui1.dll, authui2.dll and so on.

How to Change the User Frame in the Start Menu.

You will need the explorer.exe in the Windows Folder
Open the file with restorator and open the folder called Bitmaps and change the bitmap 7013.
for 64bit user it is the same.


July 11th, 2010, 05:52 PM
OK Sounddevil13, Here are the 3 bmgs' I am using, which I got from here, The first one should be larger because I use a password on my signon.


August 12th, 2010, 10:56 PM
You can change this using a program Windows 7 User Picture Frame Changer by Kishan Bagaria
This program you can find HERE (http://www.door2windows.com/windows-7-user-picture-frame-changer-change-your-user-picture-frame-with-one-click/)

August 19th, 2010, 02:11 PM
how is this?


October 9th, 2010, 05:01 PM
:flirt: awesome nice user pic. frame :cool:

Big V
October 19th, 2010, 07:38 PM
could someone make me a set of orange frames that would match razorsedges Armageddon theme for 64 bit using a password screen. thanks

February 27th, 2012, 12:48 AM
You can change this using a program Windows 7 User Picture Frame Changer by Kishan Bagaria
This program you can find HERE (http://www.door2windows.com/windows-7-user-picture-frame-changer-change-your-user-picture-frame-with-one-click/)wow, this little tool eliminates about 99% of the effort in the tutorial. Thnx!!!!

May 19th, 2012, 10:48 PM
google windows 7 user frame changer (srry cant post links yet...)

February 9th, 2013, 09:43 PM
Hello everyone. I don't post much cause I usually don't need help. I have been trying to replace my logon frames to no avail. I have done this before a couple years ago, but I don't remember what I had to do.
I followed several tutorials to get the same results. A black logon with a mouse cursor. I will list my steps I have done to try and do this. Please tell me what is wrong.

1. Restarted my computer and got into the command prompt via System Repair Disk.
2. X:\Sources\>E: (took a minute to find the correct drive. just kept switching drives and queried dir till I found it.)
3. E:\>mkdir AUTHUI
4. E:\>cd windows\system32
5. E:\windows\system32\>copy authui.dll E:\AUTHUI\authui_32.dll
1 file(s) copied
6. E:\windows\system32\>cd E:\windows\syswow64
7. E:\windows\syswow64\>copy authui.dll E:\AUTHUI\authui_64.dll
1 file(s) copied
8. E:\windows\syswow64\>exit
9. Went back into windows and edited authui_32.dll and authui_64.dll with Resource Hacker using the following images from this thread.


**Note** I used bmps for my edits. Photobucket converts them to png.**Note**

10. Saved the edited .dlls letting Resource Hacker rename my 2 originals (not the ones in system32 or syswow64, the ones in my created AUTHUI directory)
to authui_32_original.dll and authui_64_original.dll
11. Restarted my computer and started the command prompt.
12. X:\Sources\>E:
13. E:\>cd E:\windows\sytem32
14. E:\windows\system32\>ren authui.dll authui.dll.bak
15. E:\windows\system32\>cd E:\windows\syswow64
16. E:\windows\syswow64\>ren authui.dll authui.dll.bak
17. E:\windows\syswow64\>cd E:\AUTHUI
18. E:\AUTHUI\>copy authui_32.dll E:\windows\system32\authui.dll
1 file(s) copied
19. E:\AUTHUI\>copy authui_64.dll E:\windows\syswow64\authui.dll
1 file(s) copied
20. E:\AUTHUI\>exit
21. Restarted computer to find a black logon with my mouse pointer.

I obviously went back into command and replace the originals so I could start windows. From all the tuts I have read they all say this should work.
Same idea as Restorator copying the files at next boot because they are not able to be changed within Restorator while explorer is locking the handle.

So any bright ideas as to what is going on? I used Photoshop to covert the images I got from this thread to .bmps. All the bmps match the bmps from within authui.dll. I extracted them to be sure. 80x80 with 32bit depth for the small frames
and 190x190 32bit depth for the password frame. The files sizes are even an exact match.

I am so at a loss.:sigh:

February 9th, 2013, 10:53 PM
Are you changing every frame image with yours inside the authui.dll . If you missed even 1 it will load to black screen. I have had this issue in the past. I think there are 7 logon frame bmp images in the authui.dll. You need to make sure you change all of them with correct matching bmp. That should do it. I dont really mess with that anymore. That image you posted will work if you use Mr Grims 7tsp HUd Icon Pack. It will give you that logon frame.

February 9th, 2013, 11:08 PM
Are you changing every frame image with yours inside the authui.dll . If you missed even 1 it will load to black screen. I have had this issue in the past. I think there are 7 logon frame bmp images in the authui.dll. You need to make sure you change all of them with correct matching bmp. That should do it. I dont really mess with that anymore. That image you posted will work if you use Mr Grims 7tsp HUd Icon Pack. It will give you that logon frame.

Thank you for your reply. I did not change all of them. That is where I screwed up. I will go through and do the others. I don't want to install a new icon pack. I suppose I could use 7tsp and I think it allows you to choose what parts to install. However I like knowing how to do it manually. As you can see I did my work through command instead of trying to do it through Windows. I will comment back on my results.

February 10th, 2013, 12:16 AM
Make sure that all your bitmap images are in the correct 32bit format and have their alpha channel, if you want to just use the ones I have in the HUD evo theme you can just open the res file and grab the bitmaps and drop them into your own authui.dll and then add it back manually rather then using 7tsp.

Or you can use another one of Fixit's tool Seven File Replacer, all it does is lets you replace the file and at the same time creates a backup of the file but keeps the files permissions intact.

February 10th, 2013, 04:41 AM
Well I can say I am totally stumped. Nothing is working. I know I am just making a stupid mistake and don't seem to see it. I tried about 15 times now lol. I even used Mr. Grims resource as a guide. I don't want to use the images in there though because they are different color than what I want. I replaced a total of 14 images in my authui.dll. I even tried to restore permissions. I don't think it is the permissions because my original files are already owned by me without trusted installer and work normally. At this point I am thinking I messed up in converting the images. So I leave this up to one of you wonderful souls to check my images for me to see if I did them right. I also included my edited files to see if you guys can find something wrong in there. I doubt it though. This should be a easy process. It has to be messed up images. If you guys can see what I did wrong please tell me what it was because I am trying to learn. Please do not just say, "Hey I fixed it for you here you go."

Here is my zipped stuff.

February 10th, 2013, 09:23 PM
Ok well I figured out what is wrong. It is my lack of skills with Photoshop. The images I had to re-size did not keep the alpha layers so I am gonna go do a little learning on that lol. I'm sure I can find a little tut somewhere. Wish me luck lol.

February 10th, 2013, 10:14 PM
Ok well I figured out what is wrong. It is my lack of skills with Photoshop. The images I had to re-size did not keep the alpha layers so I am gonna go do a little learning on that lol. I'm sure I can find a little tut somewhere. Wish me luck lol.

Correct me if Im wrong. But The alpha channel just means it has to be your image With Transparency in the Background. Some times when you save a .bmp it will loose its transparency (Alpha Channel) So make sure you save it with the apha channel This is what It will look like.


February 10th, 2013, 10:38 PM
Actually I realize what happened. I got a 190x190 frame from this thread and I had re sized it for the 100x100 ones and the 190x190 didn't have the alpha channel. So my mistake was not carefully checking the images I got from here first. Now does it make a difference if when I create the alpha channel if it shows up as a black alpha? Sorry I am figuring this out as I go. Though picking it up pretty quick.

February 10th, 2013, 10:49 PM
No I dont believe it matters just make sure you saved the bmp with the alpha channel. Here is what mine looks like in resource hacker.


February 10th, 2013, 10:50 PM
No what you need is a proper alpha channel with the same image, the black in the alpha channel represents 0% opacity and white is 100% opacity, so if you have just a black alpha layer you will end up with an almost transparent image.

February 10th, 2013, 11:01 PM
Ok well this is what I have. I got the alpha to turn white but it doesn't look like the image. So this will not work?

February 10th, 2013, 11:01 PM
Now Im Lost. I have done changed this image before. Grim the image that I posted with the checkerd Background. That means when I save that Image it will be save with the alpha channel. Right? 0 Opacity. But the Fame will be 100 percent opacity. Right?

Big V
February 10th, 2013, 11:47 PM
jmc if you don't mind a little lighter color (same as the one in onemans army pics) here are all the bitmaps you need bud with the correct image numbers and sizes, the bmp go in the bitmap folder and the two png's go in the image folder of the authi.dll

February 11th, 2013, 12:02 AM
jmc if you don't mind a little lighter color (same as the one in onemans army pics) here are all the bitmaps you need bud with the correct image numbers and sizes, the bmp go in the bitmap folder and the two png's go in the image folder of the authi.dll

I really do appreciate that. However I am trying to learn how to do it myself. I don't like being a leech. I like to contribute if I can. But I have to learn first. I figure I can start with being able to fix these images and then I will learn how to actually make them. I just can't figure out how Mr. Grim got his alpha to look like the image. I will figure it out da___t. lmao

Big V
February 11th, 2013, 12:20 AM
Bitmaps can be a total bitch bud. I normally use aliaxlia icon studio to do my conversion from png to bitmaps, it has a great save option to windows bitmaps. Just open the image in it then resave as a bitmap

February 11th, 2013, 12:27 AM
Yeah http://www.axialis.com/iconworkshop/ Is Great Tool 6.70 Has better BMP's Conversion Then Previous Version They Also Have Plugins For Photoshop And Illustartor As Well

February 11th, 2013, 12:53 AM
Bitmaps can be a total bitch bud. I normally use aliaxlia icon studio to do my conversion from png to bitmaps, it has a great save option to windows bitmaps. Just open the image in it then resave as a bitmap

Actually in PS CS6 if you try to save an image that has an alpha channel you get a warning at the bottom and little caution triangles to tell you to save the alpha channel. See pic


February 11th, 2013, 06:29 AM
well spent about 5 hours reading tuts and watching videos and I still can't figure out how to add the alpha channels correctly. I just get a completely white channel or a completely black channel. All I manage to get is an entirely transparent image instead of just the center. I even tried the Axialis program and it just makes a completely white channel rendering the whole image transparent. So if someone knows how to do this correctly please tell me. I am using Logon Workshop so I can see the images as Windows would in the dll and the only ones that work right is with the alpha channel having the center black and the edges black. All the tuts and videos use example that I am unable to compare to the frames. Like selecting people and erasing the areas you want transparent. And walah I get a completely white channel. LMAO is all I can say. I guess I will try again tomorrow. If someone can point me to a useable tut then I will be very happy.

February 13th, 2013, 05:30 PM
Well I finally figured out a way to do this. I opened Mr. Grims frame from his HUD extras and opened my frame I wanted to use. I deleted the alpha channel in my frame and dragged the alpha channel from Mr. Grim's frame and dropped it on my frame and bang I had an alpha channel that works. I edited my dlls after fixing all my frames. and this is the result.




I used these different frames.


I edited the frames so I could have hover, selected, hover-selected, and default. I hope the origonal artist doesn't mind. If you guys want them I zipped my edited frames for you. All the frames needed are in the zip. They are also named correctly.
http://www.mediafire.com/?wzji9xlm5cxweo8 (http://I edited the frames so I could have hover, selected, hover-selected, and default. I hope the origonal artist doesn't mind. If you guys want them I zipped my edited frames for you. http://www.mediafire.com/?wzji9xlm5cxweo8)

Now I Just want to figure out how to get the frames so they are not see through if I have a different background that is lighter. I would like to see the frames solid looking so you can't see the back ground through it. Not the center just the colored part. Here is an example.

February 14th, 2013, 12:15 AM
Well I finally figured out a way to do this. I opened Mr. Grims frame from his HUD extras and opened my frame I wanted to use. I deleted the alpha channel in my frame and dragged the alpha channel from Mr. Grim's frame and dropped it on my frame and bang I had an alpha channel that works. I edited my dlls after fixing all my frames. and this is the result.




I used these different frames.


I edited the frames so I could have hover, selected, hover-selected, and default. I hope the origonal artist doesn't mind. If you guys want them I zipped my edited frames for you. All the frames needed are in the zip. They are also named correctly.
http://www.mediafire.com/?wzji9xlm5cxweo8 (http://I edited the frames so I could have hover, selected, hover-selected, and default. I hope the origonal artist doesn't mind. If you guys want them I zipped my edited frames for you. http://www.mediafire.com/?wzji9xlm5cxweo8)

Now I Just want to figure out how to get the frames so they are not see through if I have a different background that is lighter. I would like to see the frames solid looking so you can't see the back ground through it. Not the center just the colored part. Here is an example.

Hi Bud wish I had seen this sooner but the easiest way to make a transparent bitmap is use axialis icon workshop make your png in photoshop open it up in the icon workshop and save as bitmap. Doing the alpha channel way in ps can be a real pain in the butt lol iconworkshop makes it easy with one click :)

February 25th, 2013, 10:49 PM
@razorsedge - Thanks for the info. Sorry it took so long for a reply. I have been quite busy. Someone else had mentioned that as well. I was trying to actually learn how to do it in PS. I like to learn not take the short cuts. I do short cuts after I learn. Now I have learned something new and can do it all on my own. Now I just have to learn how to use PS to make my own designs. I have also been messing around with Rainmeter lately. I installed Windows 8 on a fool around drive I have on my comp. Found out no gadgets for 8. Found Rainmeter and it is quite interesting. So I have been editing a skin that I found. See learning more new stuff. If you guys would like to see what I have been messing with I will post a pic of the skin. But in a different thread.