View Full Version : Explorer frame

April 8th, 2010, 10:55 PM
Can someone explain to me how to take the small tweaks for themes found in an explorer frame folder and apply them to the actual theme? Im not great at this kind of stuff so the simpler the terms the better. Thanks

April 9th, 2010, 11:00 AM
1. First you need to get a resource editor like Restorator or Reshacker. (This guide is mainly for Restorator)

2. Open the C:\Windows\System32 folder and copy the explorerframe.dll and paste it on the desktop.

3. Open Restorator and drag the explorerframe.dll from the desktop to the left pane in Restorator.

4. Expand the Bitmaps folder in the left pane.

5. Open the folder containing the image replacements for your theme.

6. The images should be Bitmap images named the same as the ones in the Bitmap folder, which are images:

280, 281, 288, 291, 294, 577, 578, 579 and 581 for the main ones.

7. Drag each image into the Bitmap folder icon in Restorator in the Left pane.

8. Save the file on Restortor.

9. Open the C:\Windows\System32 folder and find the original explorerframe.dll and take ownership of the file and then Rename it to explorerframe.dll.bak.

10. Copy the explorerframe.dll from the desktop and paste it in the System32 folder.

11. Restart your computer to take effect.

[note2:2cjau09w]If your using x64 OS you will need to repeat the same steps for the explorerframe.dll in C:\Windows\SysWOW64[/note2:2cjau09w]

April 9th, 2010, 06:59 PM
thanks for the guide mr. grim

August 14th, 2013, 01:29 PM
Hello. I have problems with explorerframe too :) I did everything you described here, but my start/back buttons and all the other files didn't change even after pc restart :/