View Full Version : Please help what can I do?

May 4th, 2010, 06:00 AM
Do I have to start my theme over again? What can I do about this error? How do I solve this? I sent my themes files (msstyle) along so you can see what you can do? John :-D :party2: :cool:



Dave Senior
May 4th, 2010, 01:17 PM
This has me beat,
do you remember what you were changing before it happened? Maybe you can roll back the changes as the style still loads in wsb .If not I hope some body else can help,it looks like you changed alot of things.
If you have to start again you can run your style in the difference tool against the standard aero style to get a list of the changes you made,still a bit of a task though. Sorry i couldn,t help mate,
bye for now

May 4th, 2010, 01:32 PM
i have gotten that a few times have you resized anything cause it happens to me when i make something to big and i just go and change it back and it is good from there

May 4th, 2010, 01:46 PM
Do I have to start my theme over again? What can I do about this error? How do I solve this? I sent my themes files (msstyle) along so you can see what you can do? John :-D :party2: :cool:

it happens sometimes when you change an image and save to quickly, or the size is different, when you get this try and do it again without changeing anything and if it doesn't work redo the last thing you did, then try it.