View Full Version : Hyperdesk and Taskbar Flashing

June 17th, 2010, 10:18 PM
I'm not quite sure if this thread fits here, anway :

I recently installed a Hyperdesk theme (W7 - Subspace). It looks great and stuff, but there's an issue that still bothers me. As Hyperdesk themes don't handle transparency, taskbar buttons don't flash anymore (according to their support forum), which implies -for instance- that Windows Live Messenger no longer shows flashing alerts for incoming messages.

I hope someone's got a workaround for this, the theme is too awesome.

Thanks !

June 20th, 2010, 08:59 PM
They are just normal themes but they have just ported them from the XP and Vista versions and didn't make any effort to upgrade them to support any new features like aero or the flashing buttons, i like their themes but I think if they want people to pay for them they should have made a bit more effort.