View Full Version : I am an IDIOT in need of help!!!

June 24th, 2010, 07:39 AM
Ok I'm new to this site, and so far I love everything I've seen. I'm not very computer literate, like some on this site. I am trying to install some icon packs, and everything goes great with the installer but when I restart I get this message...

The program can't start because SHELL32.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem. I get this message at the account screen, where you put in your password. The screen is almost totally blacked out except for the little red button on the bottom left. The only way I can get back to desktop is to drop in the install CD and do a system restore.

If this is a re post of another problem someone else had , I am truly sorry and do not intend on breaking forum rules. There was a post similar, but nothing that I could comprehend from the help that people were offering seemed to fix my problem. Like I said some things I don't understand, because I'm not that good with computers just yet. I know enough to get by. So if someone would be grateful and has the patience to work with me to solve this problem I would really appreciate it.

Also if talking via text on the forums, seems to much and to painful with my ignorance, my gaming clan has a Teamspeak 3 server if that is an option to help, because I'm better at learning to fix a problem with someone talking to me.

Thanks in advance,
Cody a.k.a STON3BALLS

June 24th, 2010, 08:04 AM
Make sure you unzip the icon pack first and then Disable the User account control and run the installer as administrator.

June 24th, 2010, 08:06 AM
I read that and tried it but I still get the same BS every time. I guess my desktop isn't meant to look pretty.

June 25th, 2010, 02:03 AM
what windows are you useing Xp Vista 7 and is it 32 bit or 64 bit
click on start button go to cpmuter and right click it and go to properties a screen will come up and tell you what you have

you will get a screen like this
(i have mr grims midnight theme so yous computer will not look like mine but the screen is the same)


June 25th, 2010, 02:25 AM
Ok I have 7 64bit, and by the way I have the same theme. Its acting like the installer is pulling the shell32.dll file out of the folder when you run the installer. So I'm at a loss of what to do I've tried everything Ive read about the issue.

June 25th, 2010, 04:49 AM
Just to make sure, did you download the x64 icon pack?

June 25th, 2010, 05:20 AM
Yes I did, I'm at a loss. everything has worked for me themes, gadgets, rocketdock skins, everything but these icons. I'm to try again because if it fails I'll have to go back to an earlier time when my desktop wasn't this pretty and do it all over.

June 25th, 2010, 09:59 AM
Its acting like the installer is pulling the shell32.dll file out of the folder when you run the installer.
The Installer replaces Shell32.dll usually but for some reason it's failing for you, which is why you get that feeling.

If you have followed all the instructions 100% then I'm not quite sure why this is happening as yet, the installer has been tried and tested on literally 100's of machines now but every PC is different one way or another.

Could you please provide us the following info to help us sort this problem out for you:
1.) which icon pack did you download exactly?
2.) Open the command prompt and tell us the exact version of windows it lists on the top line, It should look something along the lines of "Version 6.1.7600".
3.) You say you've got themes working etc.. do any of the other 'custom' stuff include another version of shell32.dll?

Another idea that might help could be to try installing with your anti-virus etc turned off just whilst it installs and then re-enable it after the system restart the installer asks you to do.

June 25th, 2010, 01:13 PM
Ok attached is a screenshot of Windows version. Icon pack is Mr. Grim's Full Glass Blue and I also tried and Alienware icon pack, using the exact same installer that come with Grim's pack. Also the other stuff included in Mr. Grim's Midnight theme. such as the shell32.dll files for the control panel and WMP, I'm scared to mess with beacause I don't exactly know what I'm doing. I can try disabling my anti virus, BTW its Microsoft Security Essentials, but if it doesn't work like I said I'll have to do a system restore to get away from the black screen at start up. I hope this is enough info.


June 25th, 2010, 01:47 PM
ohh did you go to control panel users and the go to change user account control settings and bring the slider all the way to the bottom then restart Leave the slider all the way at the bottom wile you uninstalling - uninstall cleanup - then install when you icons are installed you can move that slider bar back up

if you did do this

go to icon folder with the icons you trying to install click the uninstall fallow directions it will restart computer then go to data folder which is in the folder for your icons you trying to install and click the uninstallcleanup.CMD then go back and try to reinstall the icon pack

PS about the wMP and shell32 images
the WMP you look for the file name in system32 and sysWOW64 and rename those (click rename hit end type (.BLK)) then you just copy the files mr grim gave to those folders

the system 32 images are a little harder i finaly got them myself a week ago for the system 32 folder i still cant get them in the sysWOW64 folder but it seams to change both for me cuz its working fine you need a program called Restorator 2007 its a 30 day free trial once you get the hang of it its easy

open Restorator 2007 2 windows will open click close on the small one the wate for time to count down then click ok
go to system 32 pull out the shell32.dll place it on you desktop ohh you will also need this program Take ownership (i will try to attach) install take ownership go back to desktop right click on shell32 click take ownership
go back to Restorator 2007 click open open the shell32.dll on you desktop click on BMP
go to folder with the BMp images in mr grims file right click copy find same number in the Restorator 2007 BMP folder right click paste it should now show a arrow like a shortcut do this for all 4 files
click save it should rename the file you opened to something else and the new file is now shell32.dll
to check - go to file in Restorator 2007 and click close the click open agian and open Shell32.dll go to BMP and down to the files you pasted they should have differant icons if they do close Restorator 2007 take shell32.dll put back in system32 folder and restart

the white bands should be gone

thats how i did it and it works fine

PS if that work plase add to my rep thank you come again lol
PPS if you want (you have to let me know) i will make a bunch of screen capture and do up a small PDF that will tell and show you how to do shell images

i also have Microsoft security essentials and Prevx 3.0 you dont have to disable it - at least i didnt


June 25th, 2010, 07:05 PM
Ok so I tried it again and managed to take a screenshot of the error I get when I run the installer. I hope this gives yall an idea, and hopefully a fix.


June 25th, 2010, 08:38 PM
try re-downloading package WITH installer

did you turn the UAC off??????

June 25th, 2010, 09:49 PM
I have tried everything and apparently that one error in my previous post is what is hanging me up.

June 25th, 2010, 11:46 PM
you havent said if you turned off UAC

u have windows 7 64 bit but which one did you download it or buy it?

other then that im at a loss also

you know what this is a shot in the dark change your theme back to windows 7 and try to install the icons i have noticed sometimes this theme does work right and wont let me download things if i go back to reg. theme it works try it

i installed icons first so.....

June 26th, 2010, 12:22 AM
Yes UAC is turned off, and let me put it to you this way I don't have the money to buy Windows 7 just yet, so I'm on a temporary copy of 7. If someone could tell me what that error is in the screenshot I posted and maybe a way I can fix it I will be straight. The thing is I don't want to keep trying to run the installer, because if it fails then I have to plop the disc in and do a system restore. Which doesn't take long its just a pain in the rear.

June 26th, 2010, 09:31 AM
I say go to thepiratebay.com and download you're self windows 7 they even have ones already activated for life free. Cracks are always available there too in case you don't download the activated one. There's plenty of other goodies there too so GL.


June 26th, 2010, 01:41 PM
i 2nd that it could be the fact you on a temp copy but i may be wrong
from what i have been told about windows 7 it phones home alot to see if is real and and genuine advantaged test ever so often

you dont have $$ for a retail copy - what about OEM copy?? its still "real" only 189.99 for full version (not upgrade)
http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications ... CatId=4622 (http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5213938&CatId=4622)

if would be you best bet i do torrents also (you never really know what you gana get)

August 2nd, 2010, 04:20 AM
Make sure you unzip the icon pack first and then Disable the User account control and run the installer as administrator.
Take ownership of your System Files, then Copy and Rename the Shell32.dll in C:\Windows\System 32, then try it again. worked like a charm for me.