View Full Version : Converting PNG to BMP Files

June 28th, 2010, 09:22 PM
I'm seeming to be having an issue converting Png files i've DL'ed for the User Frames and the Clock, I'm using Paint Shop Pro X2 to convert them to bmp, then I use restorator 2007 to modify explorer.exe and other files. Either I see no change in the file like time.cpl file or the frame disappears from around my user photo on the start menu. Is there something I'm not doing? I'm able to put in other bmp files I've downloaded from here.

*** Sorry I posted this in wrong forum. Its intended for General Customization section.

June 29th, 2010, 07:02 AM
First of all are you using x64 Windows and if so are you replacing the timedate.cpl in SysWOW64 as well?

With the userframe did you make sure it was the right size and did you save it as a 32bit Bitmap, it should tell you in the properties if you did.

June 29th, 2010, 08:33 AM
Yes sorry, I'm using Windows 7 64 bit. I have not tried it in the wow64 folder on that file, everytime I open it after change system32 file first It looked like it switched it in the wow64 folder. I will retry this.

My userframe is being saved as 32 bit in the properties. its 64x64.... I'm using the green user frame png file that you posted with all the others, I'm also in need of a larger one for the Logon screen if you could.

First of all are you using x64 Windows and if so are you replacing the timedate.cpl in SysWOW64 as well?

With the userframe did you make sure it was the right size and did you save it as a 32bit Bitmap, it should tell you in the properties if you did.