View Full Version : WSB - One Way Only?

July 7th, 2010, 04:31 PM
The default setting for the sizing of images in various areas is 'stretch' thereby filling the whole space. What I'd like to do however is a kind of one-way stretch ie, a graphic would stretch (or tile) to fill the horizontal size of an area but remain true size in the vertical component or vice versa. Specifically I'd like to run a band down the middle of a vertical task bar which would be suitable for whatever length the taskbar is but doesn't lose its integrity by being stretched across the width. Is there any combination of properties that would enable this or am I just trying to be too clever by half?

Dave Senior
July 7th, 2010, 04:48 PM
I,m not sure mate, you could make the task bar to the dimensions of your screen, also you can add the tile , true size , stretch property to the location. This does not always work but there,s nothing to stop you trying. In the image I,ve posted there are 3 options in the dropdown where it says tile,once its added to wsb window you can click where it says tile to try other options.
You never know whats possible with this app, but there are lots of options in the add property window,if you have a result let us know, good luck. :)


July 8th, 2010, 01:04 PM
Ok. Thanks for giving it some thought. I've had a play with some additional properties but haven't cracked it yet. Obviously I can solve any problem for myself using the exact measurements of my set-up but was looking for a way to make it suitable for all comers.