View Full Version : Requested Theme - Dark Mac (Snow Leopard)

Concept Sniper
July 10th, 2010, 01:13 AM
Hey i tried searching for it but cant find a good one newhere..Im looking for a Snow Leopard Mac OS X theme that is pretty dark so its easy on the eyes.. i seen a few that were decent but they have little screw ups which i kno people here dont make. One of those screw ups bein the color order of the close,min,max . It would be really nice if it could have it in the correct order..i would like it to look just like mac but dark..Thank you very much! :)

Sorry i didnt clearify..i want a them for Windows 7 that looks like Mac

July 10th, 2010, 01:26 AM
um, we do Windows here not OSX..

Concept Sniper
July 11th, 2010, 02:05 AM
yea i kno all the themes are done for Windows..which is what i have.. Windows 7 Home Premium to be exact...i just like to switch things up abit time to time..i was just hoping someone could make or find one

July 19th, 2010, 06:27 AM
Sorry bud, I am more of an innovator then an imitator and Macs just aren't my thing, I hope you get lucky though with this, I know Sergio is working on a Mac type theme but not sure how dark it will be.

Concept Sniper
July 21st, 2010, 03:31 AM
ok thanks for ur reply guys...and grim i like ur work and im a big fan n i wish there were more people with ur talent...hell wish i had some myself haha

May 5th, 2012, 01:03 AM
i have three premium theses from grim and i love them all plus his Zero g theme on my w7 pc and people are still blown away by them all my Bf loves them but he cant use them on his Vista pc ....sad face