View Full Version : start menu changes

July 15th, 2010, 10:50 PM
hi again all
is it possible to change the width of this
start menu border with VSB or do you need something else


July 18th, 2010, 01:29 PM
Yes you can change the width of the border by increasing the content Margins, that will not make the overall menu width larger but it will move the content over and give you the room to increase it.

You will need to change the margin here Start Menu > Panels > Basic > ProgramsList > ContentMargins:Margins

The numbers in this field represent the amount of pixels from the edge of the image that the content will start in, so for example if you have it set to 5, 5, 5, 5 (Left, Right, Top, Bottom) that means the content will be 5 pixels in from the left, 5 pixels in from the right, 5 pixels in from the top and 5 pixels in from the bottom, that would mean you could have a border 5 pixels in width all the way around in the programs list.

To increase the border and all the overall Start menu width you have to adjust the Default Panel Size and that needs to be done for all of the images you want to change, for example for you to change the width of just the all programs list you will need to change the default aspect size in Start Menu > Panels > Basic > ProgramsList and Start Menu > Panels > Basic > ProgramsListExtended, then property value for the aspect size it a bit of a strange one and some values will give undesired results and it is something you will need to play with, the numbers on my programs list are 0, 0, 261, 383 ( n/a, n/a, Pixel Width, Pixel Height) and I just changed it to to 0, 0, 300, 383 and that increased just the width of the programs list to 300 pixels.



I hope this helps :)

July 18th, 2010, 11:40 PM
thankyou again mark I will try this in my next theme.
i will let you know how I get on.
again thankyou for your time man respect.

July 22nd, 2010, 09:54 AM
Mr GRiM, what theme is applied in your screenshots and how did you hide the user picture?

July 22nd, 2010, 10:31 AM
i have an style-hack for style builder!
here for you:

July 23rd, 2010, 05:25 AM
Ah, thanks lefty :D
and you reply so quickly!!

July 23rd, 2010, 02:04 PM
Mr GRiM, what theme is applied in your screenshots and how did you hide the user picture?

I just edit the msstyles and uncheck Start Menu > Panels > Basic > UserPane > UserPicture:Bool

The theme is my Concept one but with a new start menu and some other changes that I did for a friend to put in a Custom OS he was making.

I will release that theme at a later date :)

July 23rd, 2010, 10:55 PM
[quote=Bobob]Mr GRiM, what theme is applied in your screenshots and how did you hide the user picture?

I just edit the msstyles and uncheck Start Menu > Panels > Basic > UserPane > UserPicture:Bool

The theme is my Concept one but with a new start menu and some other changes that I did for a friend to put in a Custom OS he was making.

I will release that theme at a later date :)[/quote:18qg7tlu]
Thanks, two different mods both replying lol
I'll be looking forward to it, the start menu looks awesome :D
Keep up the great work!