View Full Version : what program do we need to change the interface of windows7?

July 20th, 2010, 12:14 PM
i am just wondering if how to change the colors of the text, backgrounds and the icons of the interface without having to download and launch pre created themes.

just like the post of the Complete guide to theme building...

like these post of dave senior below

This is a guide to make your own theme, I will be adding to it over a period of time :)

Note :- In many of the locations for textcolor : color you will see a font property, click on the font name to change the font and text size etc.

For the top (Command Module)

1-Explorer & Shell > Explorer > CommandModule > <1> - edit the image here
2-Explorer & Shell > Explorer > CommandModule > <3> > <1> - Textcolor : Color
2-Explorer & Shell > Explorer > CommandModule > <4 > > <1> -Textcolor : Color
2-Explorer & Shell > Explorer > CommandModule > < 5> > <1> - Textcolor : Color
3-Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Items View > Items View > FillColor (main window)
4-Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Proper Tree > <2> - fillcolorhint : color (Left panel)

also the location to change the text in these area,s is -
5- Fonts , colors & System Metrics > Fonts & System Metrics > Windowtext:color

This text changes in both areas when selected, the locations for selected are here-

ItemsView(Main Window)-Explorer & Shell > Explorer > ItemsView > ItemsView > TextColor : Color
TreeView (Left Panel)-Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Treeview > Treeitem > hot , selected etc > Textcolor : Color

how do i input these? thanks

Dave Senior
July 31st, 2010, 09:38 AM
You need Vista Style Builder, this app works with both Vista and Windows 7.
then just navigate the tree in the app to the locations in the guide.
