View Full Version : operating system ? 2 parts

Big V
July 27th, 2010, 04:20 PM
1) Has anyone else had a problem with windows seven not creating restore points? I don't know if has something to do with some of the software we use to due themes or if its just a glitch in windows or maybe a program i have installed. I have had to reformat a couple of times now because of this problem when i have screw something up tinkering with things that i shouldn't have :cry: 2) This morning i was trying to install a different set of icons and something went wrong when i did a reboot after running the cleanup script and when it restarted it only loads part of my log on window. everything looks ok background image loaded, windows 7 ultimate logo at the bottom of screen along with the normal buttons but no log on frame window or password box so i cant sign in. I tried booting into safemode same thing happened to no frame or password box then tried the repair option selecting system restore- no restore point created. so then i tried a comand promt and running sfc /scannow and it says it cant run because there is a pending system repair requiring a reboot but nothing happens at reboot I get the same thing only partial logon window. the icon i had installed were mr grims ultimate blue and was changing to the one posted a couple of days ago the diamonds and gold x86. maybe someone that knows how to can check the installer script since it not from our forum directly and was link posted on rapidshare to make sure it safe for others to use. Guess i'll be doing another reformat I'm getting really good at that :td: :roflmao:

Big V
July 29th, 2010, 06:05 PM
yes i do duel boot with xp. i will have to do some researching on the issue now that i have an idea on what I'm looking for. and it was not a Mr Grims original set someone had modded them here is the tread that they are in if someone wants to check them out and make sure they are ok viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2420 (http://www.virtualcustoms.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2420)

July 29th, 2010, 06:27 PM
I just downloaded it and I don't think there is anything malicious but he has added some extra dll's in the data folder and the install script has been edited but I don't think he has done it right because there are only 5 dll's listed to be installed and 1 of those is not even in the Data folder so only 4 out of the 6 dll's are going to be used anyway, so yeah I'm not to sure what he is doing but I didn't create the installer for the icons, that was Generator (Sean) so maybe he could have a look at it and see if there may be something wrong with it.

Alternatively you could just take the imageres.dll and shell32.dll if you are not using a Creative sound card and put them in the Data folder of one of my other packs and install them that way.

Big V
July 29th, 2010, 08:24 PM
Thanks mark for the info I'll wait and see if Sean has any comments. And for the other issue I was having I found some info on a work around for system restore issue. Ive just about got everything reinstalled after having to reformat

Big V
July 29th, 2010, 08:39 PM
P.S. i posted a link back to this thread under the icon pack incase anyone else downloads it so they can make there own decision on how they want to do the install i hope that was ok just don't want anyone else to have issues