View Full Version : Adding wpi to windows 7

July 28th, 2010, 11:38 PM
[center:3k4undxu]Adding wpi to windows 7

In this tutorial I will show you how to add Windows Post installer to windows & for an apps menu after install for all your silent apps

First you will need to download Windows post installer from here :


First thing is to extract the wpi.rar to a folder for you to work in.

After you unrar wpi you will get a folder called wpi inside that folder you will see this


The First thing you want to do is to gather up all of your silent installs and copy them into the install folder in the wpi folder.


Next go back to the wpi folder and click on the wpi.hta


after you double click you will see the main wpi screen


First click on the left hand side Options


When you click that a new screen comes up


now in this screen there are some options for you normally here I just put a check in show windows boarder then below in border type pick
the kind of border you would like



Next in Window Coordinates

I change the resolution to 1024x768 so when open the windows does not take up the whole screen this is of course up to you if you want to
change this or not


Click at the top on the tabs style


At the top on the left select theme if you would like to use a theme for your wpi you can download ones from here


Pick a theme to download once you have downloaded your theme unrar it now if you would like your own custom wallpaper for the theme
go into the folder and replace the wallpaper.bmp inside to one you would like to use making sure to keep the same size as it is
so if its 1024x768 make sure your wallpaper you are replacing it with is the same size and has the same name wallpaper.jpg


Once you have done this go to your wpi folder and place the theme in the themes folder in the wpi folder

You now then under selected theme in the styles tab click and select your custom theme


there are also many other options below that you can customize to what you likings are

Next at the top click the general tab


here you have other options you can choose number of colums and so forth usually here I just take the check out of the use countdown timer
this way everyone has all the time they want to choose the apps they would like to install.


Now click at top audioplayer in this tab you can add songs to the wpi that play while the apps install I normally do not use this but it's up to
you if you would like to add music


Now click tools at the top

Here again you have a number of options you can choose normally I do not use anything here but you can look through them if there is anything
you would like to adjust


The last tab is sounds

Here you are able to enable or disable sounds to play when certain functions are used in wpi again I don't use this but you can adjust them
as you would like


Once you have made all you adjustments click save on the far right and then exit on the far right to go back to the main menu

Once on the main menu click config on the left


Now in the config menu this is where we add all of our apps for the apps menu


Now in the middle you will see tabs click on the details tab

In here we start by putting a name for the app on the menu in the name box ( this is the name you will see on the apps menu for the app)


In the middle you will see options of first install order here if you have a couple of apps where one has to be installed before another
you would put a numbered order like 1,2,3,4 and so one for the apps to be installed properly

This also requires the apps be in the same section or category ( the category step will be below)


Next on the right side you will see more options you can put a check in default if you want to app to be automatically checked
in the apps menu for install


Enable 64 bit processing you will want a check in this if your app is a x64 bit app if its a 32 bit app being installed on a x64 bit system
have no check there this is only for x64 apps


Forced means that the app will be installed no matter what the user does not have a choice to install or not its automatically installed


Now in the category box you make categories for your apps like eg. Internet, system, Utilities there are a few categories already made if
you would like to make your own custom ones click on the box put other from the menu and beside the category box another box will open


Now once you have added your app click on the commands tab in the middle


Now in this window on the right click add and when the box opens navigate to the wpi folder then the install folder and to your app
then select it


now you will see the app path in the in the box beside the commands button you now go to the very top of the wpi and click add
you do this over and over for each app


Now if you are using an app that is not a silent install but would like to make it a silent install you will need to add a switch
for the app in that commands box beside the app path

To find this switch go to your wpi folder and then to the tools folder and double click the USSF.exe close to the top on the left click the arrow



Navigate to the wpi folder then to the install folder and select your app

once selected let it search

Once it has checked for a switch for your app you will see it in the box in the middle beside usage


copy from the first slash / thats the switch

Copy that back into the wpi screen in the box after the commands button after the app path press space first so there is a
space between the apps path and the first slash / it will look like this like this


Once you have added all the apps you would like to you wpi click save in the lower right corner and then exit it will bring you back
to the main menu where you can see all of your apps listed

You can now close the wpi

Now copy the wpi folder to the root of your dvd so it would look like this


You have now added wpi to windows 7 :)[/center:3k4undxu]

bgjerlow designs
August 1st, 2010, 03:06 PM
Nice tutorial, Tucker :)

November 16th, 2014, 01:35 AM
Hi my name is Joe I cannot see any images can you talk me thru this tutorial?