View Full Version : Change Default Installation Directory In Windows 7

July 29th, 2010, 12:32 AM
By default Windows installs all the programs in C:\Program Files directory, you might want to change it if your C drive is running out of free space. Moreover, if you like to install any antivirus program like Kaspersky or Norton you need to use this tweak as they won’t give an option to change the default installation directory during product installation.

To start with this guide, make sure you have enough free space in your new directory which you are going to make as default one.You need to do a small registry change in order to change your default installation directory as follows:

1. Type “regedit” in Vista start menu search box or in Run dialog box (for XP) and hit enter to continue.
2. Navigate to the following registry key in the Registry Editor:


3. Locate the value named “ProgramFilesDir” and change the default value “C:\Program Files” to your new directory path(address).


4. Close the registry editor and reboot your system to apply the change.

May 28th, 2018, 10:04 PM
Running chcp 65001 at the command prompt will set that console to use the UTF-8 codepage.To have every console default to using the UTF-8 codepage make the following registry change:Start -> Run -> regeditGo to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftCommand ProcessorAutorunChange the value to chcp 65001