View Full Version : Celtic FC Theme

July 30th, 2010, 08:51 PM
I noticed when the dude realeased te Flags there was no Refarance to a Saltire - only Union Jack . As bloody anywhere :S Before I make my request Id just like to point out that "The Saltire" is the oldest Flag to date . Fook the Romans wouldnt come near n built a wall when the conquered England and THE REST OF THE WORLD - sayin it was too dangerous land to attack . Am no sayin ma counrties the best coz I dont thinik it is . But for the Saltire to not even get a mention on a Icon Flag list or even the whole web for that matter is takin the pish . Am just a typical Glasgow easy goin dude but the lack of Identity gets ma back up troops ;) Never been conquered n had the first Team to win the European cup , birth place of the rave , the list goes on but am no boastin - just makin a point . So please make my 5 year old son chuffed to bits and do a Glasgow Celtic FC theme . Green,White n Gold etc .

Would Native Americans pledge to the stars n stripes ?? lolz

Not bein nippy guys just felt a bit hurt lol . Your all sound tho n if I could do you a RoggenMix on ma technics in return then ad love too . :dif:

July 31st, 2010, 02:42 PM
I noticed when the dude realeased te Flags there was no Refarance to a Saltire - only Union Jack . As bloody anywhere :S Before I make my request Id just like to point out that "The Saltire" is the oldest Flag to date . Fook the Romans wouldnt come near n built a wall when the conquered England and THE REST OF THE WORLD - sayin it was too dangerous land to attack . Am no sayin ma counrties the best coz I dont thinik it is . But for the Saltire to not even get a mention on a Icon Flag list or even the whole web for that matter is takin the pish . Am just a typical Glasgow easy goin dude but the lack of Identity gets ma back up troops ;) Never been conquered n had the first Team to win the European cup , birth place of the rave , the list goes on but am no boastin - just makin a point . So please make my 5 year old son chuffed to bits and do a Glasgow Celtic FC theme . Green,White n Gold etc .

Would Native Americans pledge to the stars n stripes ?? lolz

Not bein nippy guys just felt a bit hurt lol . Your all sound tho n if I could do you a RoggenMix on ma technics in return then ad love too . :dif:

Hmm, a little in danger of believing our own hype methinks. As for Celtic, the club formed by and for Irish immigrants (to raise funds for the poor and disenfranchised Catholics discriminated against by the Scots protestant majority!) what's Scottish about that?

From a Sassenach who lived in Scotland for ten years and deeply regrets having to move back to England but can't help noticing that he is also represented by the Union flag and not St George's cross because there is no more a national or political entity called England than there is Scotland! Unless one or both of us 'do a Kosovo' (and as Scotland appears to be no more in favour of independence now than it has ever been since the Union that seems unlikely) we don't have to like it but we do have to lump it! lol