View Full Version : Icon Error! Please help!

August 3rd, 2010, 07:18 AM
Attached is a picture of my problem. My Windows 7 is the Nvidia 7 version, by Rocker Team. It come with Grim's Green Icon set. OK, I have never had any luck with the icon packs with installers(really frigs up my PC and have to a restore) and I don't know how to manually change them(changing shell32.dll files, is as much as I can do on my own). So I tried using WinBubble to change my icons(big mistake) and it worked for a few but not all. So after that, I restored the icons and uninstalled it. When I did a reboot, I still had some of the icons showing, so I did a system restore(through Windows, not the disk) and everything finally went back to normal.

So here lies my problem, now my downloads folder does not have the original icon displaying, and my recycle bin icon, sometimes sticks(shows full when empty). So I rebuilt the icon cache, and did a disk cleanup, cleaning the thumbnail cache. I have did another system restore to an even earlier time when I had no issues and still nothing. As you will see its just a blank icon. So could please someone help me, because every time I mess with these icons something always happens. I have had to revolve my theme around these green icons, because I have no luck or I'm just dumb.

Thanks in advance,
Cody a.k.a STON3BALLS

August 3rd, 2010, 08:57 AM

The icon for your downloads folder is actually in the imageres.dll icon number 184. Your could replace that manually using restorator as for the recycle bin sticking with all you have done there I would recomend you doing a fresh format and reinstall the os. Rockers team puts a lot of preinstalled tweaks on thier os's and thats most likly for sure why you getting all the issues you are with the icon packs not being able to install correctly.

The have presetup apps do a lot of things in the os as it's installing so my bet is that the icon installer you are trying to use from here is conflicting with whatever they have used and have preinstalled in the os to begin with so you probably have quite a little bit of a mess in there at the moment. As an os modder myself I would recomend that you do a fresh install, there is not much you can really do if you like to use Rockers Team os's cause they have a lot done in the setup itself hope that will help u out :)