View Full Version : cant figure out how to change the clock in windows 7

August 4th, 2010, 12:08 AM
would much appreciate anyones help i can get. ive downloaded a few themes from here and a couple other sites. and i think i finally decided on stickin with one. but this one and another one came with new, darker clock .png's i cant figure out how to change it. im sick of the white one. and really like the work that was done on this black n blue one. but i dont know how to change it. can someone please tell me how to do that? :idk: thanks for any and all help :cool:

August 4th, 2010, 12:58 AM
Hi nighttrain

The images you are looking for are in the timedate.cpl in the png folder so u just open that up in restorator and drag the clock inages you want to the ones in there :)

August 5th, 2010, 11:14 PM
sorry, where do they go inside the timedate.cpl ?

Big V
August 6th, 2010, 12:13 AM
if the theme came with a timedatecpl.dll all you have to do is go to windows system 32 file locate the timedatecpl take ownership of it and rename to timedatecpl.dll.bak then copy the new file into system 32 folder close it up and your done. Hope this helps if not you'll have to wait for one of the other more advanced guys to answer your ? since i still have no clue what i'm doing either when it come to editing .dlls lol

April 4th, 2015, 10:35 PM
Careful not to break your timedate.cpl like I did :P

From what I gather, you have to take ownership of the file (not sure if that's the case with Restorator or not), I've heard a few people say to close Explorer.exe while editing it too. Open Restorator, open timedate.cpl in C:\Windows\System32, and drag the new .png files onto the ".PNG" folder. (I couldn't figure it out at first w drag and drop, has to go on top of the .png tab)

Save, reopen Explorer via Task Manager and restore ownership if you want.

I'm pretty sure that's how it's done, but you might want to poke around a bit first and make sure that's right. Moonique posted a video walkthrough in the time/date section.