View Full Version : foo Flow by ~radecke

August 6th, 2010, 01:17 AM
foo Flow by ~radecke




First you need to copy all the files from the archive foo_flow.rar to your foobar2000 directory (i recommend to use a fresh installation). After that you need to get the font "Calibri" which i can't provide because of the copyright. But Calibri comes with some Microsoft products like Vista, Office 2007 or the free PowerPoint Viewer 2007. Then you need to download the other fonts from my webspace here if you haven't done that already.

Go to Preferences -> Display and choose Panels UI as the User Interface Module and then go to Panels UI and select flow.pui as the default layout.

Now you need to configure foo_run for the cover downloader to work. Go to the Preferences and set it up like on the screenshot. If you're using Windows Vista 64 the path has to look like this: "C:/Program Files '('x86')'/foobar2000/...". Notice the apostrophes around the brackets.
After you have done that you can run the Albumart Downloader by clicking the third button from the left (The Albumart Downloader and the plugin foo_uie_queuemanager need Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 to be installed. You can download it here). A new window should open and a search with the currently playing album should start, looking for the cover.

Go to the Preferences again and set the Lyric show plugin up like on this screenshot.

To use the Quicksearch you need to import your music collection to the database. You can do this in the Preferences under Media Library by adding your music folder. After that you have to scan these folders by clicking on the second button from the left. Everytime you add new music to your folder you have to rescan the Media Library so that it can be found using the search panel. From now on you just need to enter the album, the artist, or the song you want to listen to and it appears in a new playlist. Set the background color of the quicksearch plugin to 40-40-40 and the fontcolor to 255-255-255. Also apply this color scheme to the queue manager and set the font to calibri, size 8.

If you can't set flow.pui as the layout it usually helps to deinstall foobar2000 and to delete the whole foobar folder. After that just install it again, unzip my theme and it should work.

If the playlist doesn't look like on the screenshot it might help to make a rightclick on it and go to Sort / Group by -> Artist / Date / Album