View Full Version : RocketDock silent installer to have theme and icons default

August 6th, 2010, 11:31 PM
Hi all :)

I have seen that many of you on here like to make rocketdock themes and so fourth to add with your themes or just stand alones.

This tut will show you how to create a rocket dock silent installer so when you install rocket dock it will come up with your theme and icons as well as screen placement settings and so forth on install.

What you need:
- Installed working RocketDock on your Windows
- Installed WinRAR

1. Install RocketDock, and customize it to your needs (with your icons, skins and everything) to look like your choice of default on screen. In RocketDocks settings be sure to click save as portable.ini so the settings are saved. Then open Windows Explorer and navigate to Program Files --> RocketDock. Click the folder in the left Window pane to display it's contents in the right Window pane. Perform a Ctrl+A to select all of the files displayed (all and only files installed into Program files/RocketDock folder. Right-click on the selection and choose "WinRAR --> Add to archive..."

2. Give the archive a name, something other than "RocketDock" since WinRAR will protest - for example RocketD. Don't worry, you can rename it later. Put a check in "Create SFX archive" to be .exe file and choose a compression method ("Best"). Notice that the archive is now configured to operate as an executable (.exe) file.

3. Now click the Comment tab and paste the following into the "Enter a comment manually" field:
Shortcut=P, "%programfiles%\RocketDock\RocketDock.exe", "RocketDock", "A convenient and fun way to organize your desktop icons.", "RocketDock"

You can Use the New EXE as the Silent EXE to install RocketDock to any machine. It will create the Shortcut in Accessories.

In pictures (everything is made in WinRAR):