View Full Version : Bend - A modern text editor

August 8th, 2010, 06:37 AM
Bend is a modern text editor. Bend takes off after the Zune client, but doesn't constrain itself to it.
Find on page borrows from Apple Safari. Tabs are Google Chome inspired. This text editor aims to
be elegant, clean and a pleasure to work in. It exploits XAML / WPF to render beautiful hardware
accelerated text, each feature is carefully selected to balance performance and style.

Download the latest version and take it for a spin. Be warned Bend is work in progress – expect bugs and occasional surprise features.

1. Microsoft .Net framework 4.0 http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=9cfb2d51-5ff4-4491-b0e5-b386f32c0992&displaylang=en
2. Windows Installer 3.1http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=889482fc-5f56-4a38-b838-de776fd4138c&displaylang=en
3. Windows 7

Apparently Bend works on Vista and XP SP3 as well. As long as .net 4.0 works, Bend should work.
Beta/RC version of .net 4 framework run into installation problems.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.NET_Framework#Versions%20lists%204.0.30319.1 as the version to have.

Feature support:
- Tabs
- Find on page
- Zoom Ctrl+Mouse wheel
- Syntax highlighting (Extensible and supports .asp/.boo/.bat/.coco/.cpp/.cs/.html/.java/.js/.php/.vb/.xml)


Settings UI
- Explorer integration
- Application Update framework


And Magic Sauce
A find on page that dims the entire page to make highlighted text stand out.


File change monitoring
Lets you know if the file your editing changed underneath you.


Hardware Accelerated with WPF / D2D
Old text editors use GDI, modern text editors use Direct 2D.
Text looks pretty and you aren't paying CPU cost for it. For example: look at this comparision of
"Consolas" font in wordpad vs Bend. Notice the smooth rendering of text - that is sub pixel rendering
for you. I didn't do it, its all the hidden magic of WPF on Windows 7.


homepage: http://bend.codeplex.com/
