View Full Version : i want to add different backgrounds to the start menu

August 9th, 2010, 03:28 PM
i want to add different background images to the start menu of some of the themes i have on my comp
is this easy to do ..if so can some please tell me how to do it and what size the image has to be and what format it has to be in


Dave Senior
August 9th, 2010, 05:39 PM
The easy way would be to download a theme that has an image in the menu ,then open it up in VSB, navigate to the locations
for the start menu images shown in the vsb guide and have a look at what has been done.There isn,t a set size for menu images as there are many methods for making the menu.If you,re wanting to add an actual picture it will have to be as close to truesize as possible .You,ll need to make a note of the sizing margins in these locations as they control how an image stretches(last page in guide if you,re unsure).Thats the best I can do mate as there are so many variations to the menu.All images in the .msstye are .png format



August 9th, 2010, 07:38 PM
thanks maybe i will give it a shot

August 10th, 2010, 09:12 PM
looks like im gonna have to wait to get vsb cause im low on cash for awhile