View Full Version : tutorial help

Big V
August 13th, 2010, 04:45 PM
is there any tutorial on how to make your own skin? and what you need to write the configuration files for them

Big V
August 28th, 2010, 05:46 AM
I still could use some help on how to write the ini to match your own custom skin are there any tutorial to help with this i found a few but they all say to use an existing ini from other people skin which has not been very successful

Big V
August 28th, 2010, 02:46 PM
Yes thats what i was meaning. I have tried to make a couple but have only been able to get one to work by using another persons design as a size template and staying within that orginal size. I'm still trying to teach myself photoshop and i can't figure out how to set margins and stuff for the ini.files so any help would be of greatly appricated

August 28th, 2010, 07:51 PM
I thought someone else would have helped you because am not exactly sure myself but I think the left,top,right,bottom,margins are the number of pixils it will space around your icons, see pic. and the outside margins are the number of pixils it holds the image without distorting and if not set the right size the image will stretch or tile so its a matter of trial and error but start with numbers I've got and add or subtract till you get it looking like the pic you made in photoshop, hope this helps

nice work devil for explaining that for bigv I used to make skins for this but I have been using objectdock for so long that when I read his post I could not remember to give the answer he needed my hope was someone else would lol btw nice text in ur theme man thats nice and big :)

August 29th, 2010, 12:27 AM
I thought someone else would have helped you because am not exactly sure myself but I think the left,top,right,bottom,margins are the number of pixils it will space around your icons, see pic. and the outside margins are the number of pixils it holds the image without distorting and if not set the right size the image will stretch or tile so its a matter of trial and error but start with numbers I've got and add or subtract till you get it looking like the pic you made in photoshop, hope this helps

nice work devil for explaining that for bigv I used to make skins for this but I have been using objectdock for so long that when I read his post I could not remember to give the answer he needed my hope was someone else would lol by the way nice text in ur theme man thats nice and big
Cheers man but I was'nt sure if it was the correct info I just use trial and error myself when doing dock skins. You ever tried winstep xtreme? I dont think I seen it here, the font is called madscience

I have winstep xtreme I have never used it though lol. I pretty much collect all apps worth while and store them on mt other partition and external this way if I ever need something I have it or if someone asks me for something they need I know I got it lol