View Full Version : [Tool] Copy Delete Animation Modder v0.6

August 15th, 2010, 02:14 AM
Copy Delete Animation Modder v0.6


FileName: 7_Copy_Animation_Modder_v0.6.7z
Size: 1.3 mb (1,329,305 bytes)
MD5: bcd85854764e1b2491496a3caf349455
Built: April 22, 2011, 04:59:17 AM

known limitations:
]the green glow on the moving folder part on the right side is not changeable

Have fun!!


August 15th, 2010, 04:57 AM
Thanks bud, another excellent tool :)

August 15th, 2010, 07:42 AM
This is a great tool realy great I have been changing the colors manually in the shell32.dll since the start this will make life much easier you can now easily change the color to match your every theme with ease great work great app :)

August 15th, 2010, 10:24 AM
Thanx guys! :cool:

August 15th, 2010, 12:00 PM
yeah it's great!

August 16th, 2010, 01:38 AM
thank you to good little tool, too bad its not working for me !
error mesage

the system is waiting for a reboot. please first reboot the machine.

I am owner of my shell32 and tried in Normal mode and admin, several restarts, ais always the same, you have an idea? :S

I'm on seven 32 Ultimate ;)

August 16th, 2010, 03:09 AM
I did try it after I downloaded it had the same error message, I didn't think to check it again after I rebooted but I did just now and it seems to work fine.

August 16th, 2010, 08:34 AM
yeah i'm sorry, i made a check to see if there are any pending file operations...

i'll change it to a warning next update so that the user can decide to reboot or not.

August 16th, 2010, 09:41 PM
ok thank you fixit if it can help a little, and my UAC off, seven on 32 fr, I tried everything I could, but that is impossible to do anything whatsoever, he always gives me the same message to reboot


August 17th, 2010, 07:36 AM
please try this one...

http://xptsp.com/fixit/images/dwnld_button.png (http://www.xptsp.com/fixit/dl.php?url=programs/7_Copy_Animation_Modder.v0.3.7z)

August 17th, 2010, 08:30 AM
Excellent work
Thanks for share this :cool:
[+1 rep]

August 17th, 2010, 11:25 AM
fixit thank you, it works flawless on seven 32 fr, congratulations for the speed and very good little app

August 17th, 2010, 01:18 PM
Great work fixit, thanks.

Dave Senior
August 17th, 2010, 03:49 PM
Good one Mr Fixit,
could have done with this a few months ago,I posted a tut on how to DIY, and later had visions of people with broken pc,s due to incorrect UIFILE editing, lol
, thx very much for taking the time to make this cool app

Ps, any idea how to change the color of the system tray clock hands?

August 17th, 2010, 03:56 PM
Thanx for the vision :o hope i don get nightmares now lol
(no system modding is 100% safe though, hence the disclaimer)

sorry, I do not know how to do that....

Dave Senior
August 17th, 2010, 04:05 PM
No problems mate, I just thought I,d throw it out there(clock hands), I,ve searched all over for them,they are hiding for now.


August 21st, 2010, 11:07 AM
Updated to version 0.4

~ Improved the file replace code for non English systems.
~ Added translation code to the program (now in English, French and Dutch)

August 21st, 2010, 03:02 PM
excellent Fixit this is a real handy program for me thanks for the update :)

September 14th, 2010, 10:41 AM


September 20th, 2010, 09:56 PM
thanks cool !! :cool:

September 26th, 2010, 12:10 AM
very nice tool, thx!

October 2nd, 2010, 11:52 AM
Thanx to all for the nice comments!

updated the modder to version 0.6
~ Minor bug fixes
~ Can now also be run on vista, its not really tested but it should works cuz the file is very similar...

maybe someone can confirm running in a vm...

March 31st, 2011, 07:10 PM

November 13th, 2015, 09:07 PM
Great, thanks a lot!!

June 13th, 2019, 03:25 PM
Any chance someone can reupload this?

June 13th, 2019, 03:53 PM
Any chance someone can reupload this?
here is:Smile:

June 14th, 2019, 05:15 PM
Copy Delete Animation Modder v0.6


FileName: 7_Copy_Animation_Modder_v0.6.7z
Size: 1.3 mb (1,329,305 bytes)
MD5: bcd85854764e1b2491496a3caf349455
Built: April 22, 2011, 04:59:17 AM

known limitations:
]the green glow on the moving folder part on the right side is not changeable

Have fun!!

:Peace:thank you for Re-uploading awesome work:loving:

June 14th, 2019, 05:32 PM
You're welcome!

I should update the other posts as well soon...
Still got an update of 7tsp somewhere with a create restorepoint fix and some minor bug fixes

June 14th, 2019, 05:43 PM
You're welcome!

I should update the other posts as well soon...
Still got an update of 7tsp somewhere with a create restorepoint fix and some minor bug fixes
ooomg thats amaaazing because thats one of the best app. what i am are using
last build on server is 7tsp 2015 v0.4b
but what is bad your old server is down:sad:
but i created some threads with backup on VC as 7tsp tutorials:Peace:

(https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/69066-Se7en-Theme-Source-Patcher-v0-4-2015)https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/69066-Se7en-Theme-Source-Patcher-v0-4-2015 (https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/69066-Se7en-Theme-Source-Patcher-v0-4-2015)

https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/82834-How-to-make-a-custom-7tsp-icon-pack (https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/82834-How-to-make-a-custom-7tsp-icon-pack)

June 14th, 2019, 05:54 PM
ooomg thats amaaazing because thats one of the best app. what i am are using
last build on server is 7tsp 2015 v0.4b
but what is bad your old server is down:sad:
I know, A friend let me host my files and support there, but after a crash he couldn't restore the site because he lost the backups...
I guess after that he lost interest in maintaining the site, and i have been out of it the last few years as well.

but i created some threads with backup on VC as 7tsp tutorials:Peace:

(https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/69066-Se7en-Theme-Source-Patcher-v0-4-2015)https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/69066-Se7en-Theme-Source-Patcher-v0-4-2015 (https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/69066-Se7en-Theme-Source-Patcher-v0-4-2015)

https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/82834-How-to-make-a-custom-7tsp-icon-pack (https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/82834-How-to-make-a-custom-7tsp-icon-pack)

Great work! i was afraid we lost that info for good!!

Thanks for that!

June 16th, 2019, 11:01 AM
I know, A friend let me host my files and support there, but after a crash he couldn't restore the site because he lost the backups...
I guess after that he lost interest in maintaining the site, and i have been out of it the last few years as well.

Great work! i was afraid we lost that info for good!!

Thanks for that!
:f:thank you:Smile:
:loving:all of your amazing works and i cant wait for testing new version of 7tsp:flirt:

June 17th, 2019, 08:33 PM
You're welcome!

I should update the other posts as well soon...
Still got an update of 7tsp somewhere with a create restorepoint fix and some minor bug fixes
or please if is possible you know update the script in 7tsp for patching files in the new w10 19h1 directory = \Windows\SystemResources\
more info here - https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/83413-Windows-10-RS6-1903-important-INFO-for-iconpack-makers (https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/83413-Windows-10-RS6-1903-important-INFO-for-iconpack-makers)
the list of .mun files in Windows 10 1903 19h1 and 20h2


June 17th, 2019, 10:28 PM
or please if is possible you know update the script in 7tsp for patching files in the new w10 19h1 directory = \Windows\SystemResources\

Does only that folder contain all the resources needed for changing icons etc?

June 17th, 2019, 10:41 PM
Does only that folder contain all the resources needed for changing icons etc?
yes yes this new directory contain all here is Microsoft info - https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/where-are-the-icons-for-windows-10018362-1903/2cc12785-3f83-4f53-8f6d-1a1bd343073f (https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/where-are-the-icons-for-windows-10018362-1903/2cc12785-3f83-4f53-8f6d-1a1bd343073f)

June 17th, 2019, 11:03 PM
Currently i am testing a 7tsp script from 2016 that i finally found on an old hdd, which only fixes the create restore point bug some people had with previous versions.
Also i have to remove the homepage links and some other broken functions that are not working properly anymore.

This should be finished in the coming week....

yes yes this new directory contain all

Let me think about this....

June 17th, 2019, 11:10 PM
Currently i am testing a 7tsp script from 2016 that i finally found on an old hdd, which only fixes the create restore point bug some people had with previous versions.
Also i have to remove the homepage links and some other broken functions that are not working properly anymore.

This should be finished in the coming week....

Let me think about this....
yes yes its hard for your free time working on this and this is only idea for little fix for w10 1903 up to 20h1 and higher
because 7tsp v0.4 2015 working great on rs1 - rs5 1809
and yes i can make and upload here a new and complete pack today:Smile:

June 18th, 2019, 01:59 PM
this is only idea for little fix for w10 1903 up to 20h1 and higher

Well not so "little" because i might need to write a new backup, patch and restore routine for those mun files, but maybe i am on to something...

and yes i can make and upload here a new and complete pack today:Smile:

I am ready for some testing, if you could upload or send me just a small pack with some mun.res files like: "shell32.dll.mun.res" and "explorer.exe.mun.res" etc
so i can test the script in a VM?


June 18th, 2019, 08:50 PM
Well not so "little" because i might need to write a new backup, patch and restore routine for those mun files, but maybe i am on to something...

I am ready for some testing, if you could upload or send me just a small pack with some mun.res files like: "shell32.dll.mun.res" and "explorer.exe.mun.res" etc
so i can test the script in a VM?

hello my dear friend i am finally home and please check your private message
added testing 7tsp icon pack with mun.res files
its only for you thank you for your free time to me and any help in advance:Smile:

June 19th, 2019, 04:12 AM
added testing 7tsp icon pack with mun.res files

Thank you,

I have run some tests with the mun.res files and "batch resource updater" which the 2015 7tsp version uses for patching .dll and .exe files with icons etc is having trouble saving the .mun files...

I will have to figure out a workaround and/or write a completely new routine for those files :unhappy:

After work i will have an other look at the script and do some more tests, I've also got a few new ideas and will let you guys know in the coming days/weeks...

June 19th, 2019, 08:27 PM
Thank you,

I have run some tests with the mun.res files and "batch resource updater" which the 2015 7tsp version uses for patching .dll and .exe files with icons etc is having trouble saving the .mun files...

I will have to figure out a workaround and/or write a completely new routine for those files :unhappy:

After work i will have an other look at the script and do some more tests, I've also got a few new ideas and will let you guys know in the coming days/weeks...

i suspect the black screen is due to the different icon group numbers etc in the exe and dll files of windows 10 compared to the location numbers in the exe and dll files of windows 7...

because of this one or more important files will get corrupted or something and 10 will fail booting... never tested this though and 7tsp is really only meant/made for windows 7.

with this new way of updating resources via windows\systemresources\*.*.mun files, i am thinking of writing a completely new script made for windows 10 version 19h1 plus...

However this will take some time and i need to think of what the GUI will look like and where to place the buttons etc
yes 7tsp is created only for windows7 but working on w8 and w10 when skilled creator know what is and create only supported and not using or delete first before patching unsupported .dll.res and exe.res files from custom resource directory because after patching with unsupported files = black screen
explorer.exe and shell32.dll need to save as explorer.exe.mui.res and shell32.dll.mui.res
and some ideas is 7tsp is for w7 update name of tsp for w10 as 10tsp = w10 19h1 and higher
if is possible to change the default script of tsp and the patching directory c/windows as new c\Windows\SystemResources\
then patching 7tsp or (10tsp) all files only in this specific directory
and nice new profile picture:Smile:

June 19th, 2019, 09:32 PM
if is possible to change the default script of tsp and the patching directory c/windows as new c\Windows\SystemResources\
then patching 7tsp or (10tsp) all files only in this specific directory

It's not that simple, the 7tsp backup, patching and restore routines figure out lots of things (e.g. backup integrity/windows update changes/file copy/replace checks in specific places) including file locations per specific file, win dir, system32 dir, syswow64 dir, mui dir (enEN) and some files are in multiple locations and some files in system32 are not in syswow64...

It would mean stripping out lots of code out of plus minus 150 lines of code per routine...

plus batch resource updater is not saving .mun files which the current patching routines use for dll, exe and mui files

Also i have spotted some things i would now write much more dynamically so i would rather write a clean code (which i am working om right now)

June 19th, 2019, 09:48 PM
It's not that simple, the 7tsp backup, patching and restore routines figure out lots of things (e.g. backup integrity/windows update changes/file copy/replace checks in specific places) including file locations per specific file, win dir, system32 dir, syswow64 dir, mui dir (enEN) and some files are in multiple locations and some files in system32 are not in syswow64...

It would mean stripping out lots of code out of plus minus 150 lines of code per routine...

plus batch resource updater is not saving .mun files which the current patching routines use for dll, exe and mui files

Also i have spotted some things i would now write much more dynamically so i would rather write a clean code (which i am working om right now)
yes yes you have truth my bad:ashamed:
and yes especially windows KB updates because after installing new updates and fixes some patched files is removed back to default
yes its not that simple:Peace:

June 19th, 2019, 10:06 PM
and yes especially windows KB updates because after installing new updates and fixes some patched files is removed back to default

That's why i have have written those checks ;-)

When a file gets updated the backup also gets updated and visa versa.. also among other things, the debug code would get messed up if i simply changed system32 to systemresources..

When a pack needs updating after a windows update you can rerun the patch or when you change a pack/color completely simply select "patch from backup" in the option menu to have a clean start

thanks btw. its just an old pic i found looking for the 2016 script :-)

June 19th, 2019, 10:11 PM
That's why i have have written those checks ;-)

When a file gets updated the backup also gets updated and visa versa.. also among other things, the debug code would get messed up if i simply changed system32 to systemresources..

When a pack needs updating after a windows update you can rerun the patch or when you change a pack/color completely simply select "patch from backup" in the option menu to have a clean start

thanks btw. its just an old pic i found looking for the 2016 script :-)
:Smile:ok i go to private message:girl:

June 23rd, 2019, 12:01 PM
Here is a little update on .mun file patching:

mun file patching is not really a complete alternative method because only about 6 files used in regular icon packs actually exist in the windows\systemresources folder and explorer.exe.mun is NOT one of them.

Also .dll, .exe and .mui files are dominant, this means that if files are patched in the system32 and/or syswow64 folder .mun file patching will not be visible.

patching .mun files will be available in the next update but it is better for now to just use "normal" pack building.

June 23rd, 2019, 02:51 PM
Here is a little update on .mun file patching:

mun file patching is not really a complete alternative method because only about 6 files used in regular icon packs actually exist in the windows\systemresources folder and explorer.exe.mun is NOT one of them.

Also .dll, .exe and .mui files are dominant, this means that if files are patched in the system32 and/or syswow64 folder .mun file patching will not be visible.

patching .mun files will be available in the next update but it is better for now to just use "normal" pack building.
:love:thank you for posting the updated info here for others:f:
i am still in test mode:peace:

June 25th, 2019, 01:47 PM
Here is a little update on .mun file patching:

mun file patching is not really a complete alternative method because only about 6 files used in regular icon packs actually exist in the windows\systemresources folder and explorer.exe.mun is NOT one of them.

Also .dll, .exe and .mui files are dominant, this means that if files are patched in the system32 and/or syswow64 folder .mun file patching will not be visible.

patching .mun files will be available in the next update but it is better for now to just use "normal" pack building.

:love:thank you for posting the updated info here for others:f:
i am still in test mode:peace:
omg omg omg ReBuilder i don't have words because working amazing and cant wait for the final version of tsp all tests now ok:happy::f: