View Full Version : Reflection

August 15th, 2010, 07:04 AM
Please Help! In this picture, there are streaks and a transparent background. Where is this used? What can be put in its place?
What are the numbered areas? What is atlasrect:rect? What does it do to the picture? Are there 4 distinct pictures (top,topmiddle,bottommiddle and bottom) or are they are parts of one picture? John :idk:


Dave Senior
August 15th, 2010, 12:15 PM
When you edit this image it will edit the Reflection behind the frame of the DWM Window and it will edit the image in the center of AeroPeek.(Was this a rhetorical question) :S
You can,t do anything with atlasrect, don,t mess with it, its the full stream image constructed by VSB.