View Full Version : BExplorer (Better Explorer)

August 15th, 2010, 09:35 AM
BExplorer (Better Explorer)

Homepage: http://bexplorer.codeplex.com/


Project Description
This is a replacement of standard windows explorer with more features for more convenient work! One of that is Tabs, additional toolbars and so on!

This Project is designed for use with Windows 7 (according to Microsoft specifications it should work with Vista but i am not sure about that).
The main goals of this project are:
- Adding tab functionality together with use of standard explorer browser control
- Adding additional toolbars with more features like:
- Changing Library icons
- File operation with files and folders
- Synchronized command promt
- Change of folder icons
- Extended Jump list support (Windows 7)
- Double panel explorer
- Extended search like extended search pane in Vista (Windows 7)
- Glassy view

For now completed features are only tab functionality and glassy view. But the project is still in early alpha!!!!
A very early screenshot you can see below.
Ofcource i will be glad if more developpers help me with this project so to can create really great Windows Explorer replacenment.
