View Full Version : Theme Installation Enigma

August 15th, 2010, 12:19 PM
I apologize initially if this is a double post or in the wrong section. Ok everyone, I am totally out of ideas on how to fix my issue. I have patched my dll files with no issues whatsoever. When i download the themes i would like and extract them properly in the Windows/Resources/Themes folder and attempt to apply them they only apply a windows classic theme. Now is the really puzzling part. One custom theme works correctly....That is Dark7 Ultimate. I have tried everything i can think of so now i am forced to ask the experts. Please Help Me!!

August 15th, 2010, 03:32 PM
Download this http://windows-theme-installer.en.softonic.com/

Use it to install themes (it is not necessary and may even be inadvisible to copy the theme to the Resources file first) and apply. Do not install or apply themes by any other method.

August 16th, 2010, 04:28 AM
I tried that program and it somehow crashed my computer. Took me around an hour to fix so i will not attempt that particular method again. I need to know why some themes i.e. Midnight and Concept when i apply them make no sound and apply windows classic but Xtreme red and DarkUltimateFinal works.

August 16th, 2010, 05:27 AM
Hi Koloblicin17,

Go to your control panel and to display settings. Not to personalization but display and in the box that opens put ur setting for display on 100% as its most likly a hight number. then apply the theme and it will work fine if you find after you have changed this your text and or things are a bit too small for your liking just go to your resolution settings and kick it down a notch or 2 :)

August 16th, 2010, 02:16 PM
Hi Koloblicin17,

Go to your control panel and to display settings. Not to personalization but display and in the box that opens put ur setting for display on 100% as its most likly a hight number. then apply the theme and it will work fine if you find after you have changed this your text and or things are a bit too small for your liking just go to your resolution settings and kick it down a notch or 2 :)

I want you to know that you are FREAKING AWESOME. I thought i was losing my mind when i was trying to solve this. THANK YOU SOOOOO MIUCH!!! :-D

August 16th, 2010, 02:21 PM
I tried that program and it somehow crashed my computer. Took me around an hour to fix so i will not attempt that particular method again. I need to know why some themes i.e. Midnight and Concept when i apply them make no sound and apply windows classic but Xtreme red and DarkUltimateFinal works.

If you got a crash out of this most stable of programs I'd venture to suggest that you have problems which go far beyond the themes. I'd be looking at a full repair (sfc /scannow) or reinstall to restore the original Windows files before you do anything else.