View Full Version : Move the navig. pane to right

August 19th, 2010, 11:23 AM

This modification allows you to move the navigation pane from the left (by default) towards the right

To move the nav pane to the right in windows 7

open up your shell32.dll in restorator or resource hacker whatever your perfered resource editor program is

go to the uifile folder in the shell32.dll

expand the folder

take the text from each numbered text copy it and replace it in the the corrosponding numbered uifile replacing all the text in the uifile with the text from the note ie: 3.text goes in the 3 uifile resource

once you have done that replace your dll reboot and you will now have the nav pane on the right side

there are 2 different packs make sure to grab the one for your os.

download for x86 users


download for x64 users


thanks to RajTheeban95 and xXiNightXx for the resources

October 20th, 2010, 03:50 AM
rr - this is excellent - raj is amazing - i don't think he like you get much sleep - you guys have so many creative ideas going on in your heads - bless you and thx !!